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Summary Bibliography: Anna Kavan

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Author Picture
  • Author: Anna Kavan Author Record # 1372
  • Legal Name: Edmonds, Helen Woods
  • Birthplace: Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France
  • Birthdate: 10 April 1901
  • Deathdate: 5 December 1968
  • Language: English
  • Webpages: Encyclopedia of Fantasy, Library of Congress,, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
  • Used These Alternate Names:
  • Note: Woods Edmonds "was well known for her work outside the sf field, though a lack of awareness that Helen Ferguson and Anna Kavan were the same writer may have delayed full recognition of her stature." Originally Anna Kavan was the orphan protagonist of Let Me Alone (1930) by Ferguson. She published only as AK from 1940 on (according to the "Encyclopedia of Fantasy" and SFE3). According to Wikipedia Kavan was friends with the Welsh writer Rhys Davies (I), who based his 1975 novel "Honeysuckle Girl" on her early life.
  • Author Tags: kafkaesque (1), ice planet (1)
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