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Field Current Pub Record #370905 Proposed Changes Differences
Title The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Phil Hardy -
Date 1986-00-00 -
Publisher Octopus Books -
Pages 408 -
Format hc -
ISBN 070642557X -
Catalog ID - -
Price £12.95 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
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Web Pages -
  • Copyright page states "First published 1984 by Aurum Press" and "This revised and updated edition published 1986 by Octopus Books Ltd." Foreword and Preface are from the 1984 edition, the Foreword also states that this work was originally part of the "Aurum Film Encyclopedia" series of nine books when published by Aurum Press.
  • Total number of pages is 408, split as follows: 6 unnumbered pages, followed by Roman numeral pages running from vii to xv, two more unnumbered pages, then Arabic numerals continuing from 18 to 408.
  • Additional 7-page essay "The Science Fiction Film in Perspective" follows the Preface. Essay is unsigned, but written in the first person in a manner making it fairly clear it is the book author doing so.
  • Copyright page states "First published 1984 by Aurum Press" and "This revised and updated edition published 1986 by Octopus Books Ltd." Foreword and Preface are from the 1984 edition, the Foreword also states that this work was originally part of the "Aurum Film Encyclopedia" series of nine books when published by Aurum Press.
  • Total number of pages is 408, split as follows: 6 unnumbered pages, followed by Roman numeral pages running from vii to xv, two more unnumbered pages, then Arabic numerals continuing from 18 to 408.
  • Additional 7-page essay "The Science Fiction Film in Perspective" follows the Preface.
- <li>Additional 7-page essay "The Science Fiction Film in Perspective" follows the Preface. Essay is unsigned, but written in the first person in a manner making it fairly clear it is the book author doing so.</li>
+ <li>Additional 7-page essay "The Science Fiction Film in Perspective" follows the Preface.</li>
External IDs OCLC/WorldCat: 59676899
Reginald-3: 25199

WARNING: This publication has been verified against the primary source.

Primary Verifications

Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
PeteYoung 2011-12-20 11:00:52 Permanent 2024-04-22
Astrodan 2015-09-13 19:30:56 Permanent 2015-11-01

Secondary Verifications

Source Status Verifier Date
Reginald3 Verified Rtrace 2022-10-19 21:02:13
OCLC/Worldcat Verified Rtrace 2022-10-19 21:02:13

WARNING: This publication has been modified by the following submissions since this submission was created:

Note to Moderator:

Adjustment to page count of 408, which uses both Roman and Arabic numerals in the same total. (Does that mean the 'Pages' box above should just show the figure '408', or is there a way to reflect the mixed usage?.) Also note on add. essay in introduction/preface section, or should that be included in Content?

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Submitted by Astrodan on 2015-09-13 20:15:53

Approved by Stonecreek on 2015-09-13 22:40:02

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