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Field Current Pub Record #571406 Proposed Changes Differences
Title Moonshine & Clover -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Laurence Housman -
Date 1923-02-00 -
Publisher Harcourt, Brace & Company -
Pages 220 220
Format hc -
ISBN - -
Catalog ID - -
Price $2.00 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
ISFDB Wiki page for this image
Web Pages - -
1st US ed. OCLC 680808235, e-copy at HathiTrust Digital Library (HDL) 3 reviews joint with A Doorway in Fairyland: NY Tribune 1923-02-25 pSM24 by Charlotte Dean, NY Times 03-11 pBR8, Christian Science Monitor 03-21 p18 -- publ month inferred from the three -- price from CSM -- cover "clover colored cloth, with a decoration of silver crescents and clover leaves" per CSM HDL provides full view of one copy with original cover -- title page: illustration signed LH; credits "engraved by Clemence Housman" alone (but all illus. are by the writer and signed LH) -- t.p. verso "Made in Great Britain ..." -- Contents, p11, lists 18 stories -- narrative spans p[13]-[220]; p220 footer "Printed in Great Britain by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., // London and Aylesbury." Interior apparently identical to 1922 first ed., except title leaf
1st US ed. OCLC: 680808235, e-copy at HathiTrust Digital Library (HDL) HDL provides full view of one copy with original cover -- title page (no date) credits "engraved by Clemence Housman" alone, yet illustrations are by the writer and signed LH -- Contents, p11, lists 18 stories -- narrative spans p[13]-[220]; p220 footer "Printed in Great Britain by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld. [sic], London and Aylesbury."
- 1st US ed.
- {{OCLC|680808235}}, e-copy at HathiTrust Digital Library (HDL)
- 3 reviews joint with A Doorway in Fairyland: <i>NY Tribune</i> 1923-02-25 pSM24 by Charlotte Dean, <i>NY Times</i> 03-11 pBR8, <i>Christian Science Monitor</i> 03-21 p18
- -- publ month inferred from the three
- -- price from CSM
- -- cover "clover colored cloth, with a decoration of silver crescents and clover leaves" per CSM
- -- <a href="">title page</a>: illustration signed LH; credits "engraved by Clemence Housman" alone (but all illus. are by the writer and signed LH)
- -- t.p. verso "Made in Great Britain ..."
- -- narrative spans p[13]-[220]; p220 footer "Printed in Great Britain by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., // London and Aylesbury."
- Interior apparently identical to 1922 first ed., except title leaf
+ 1st US ed.
+ OCLC: <a href="">680808235</a>, e-copy at HathiTrust Digital Library (HDL)
+ -- <a href="">title page</a> (no date) credits "engraved by Clemence Housman" alone, yet illustrations are by the writer and signed LH
+ -- narrative spans p[13]-[220]; p220 footer "Printed in Great Britain by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld. [sic], London and Aylesbury."
External IDs - -

Modified Regular Titles

Title #2008272 Proposed Value Warnings
Title Moonshine & Clover -  
Authors Clemence Housman -  
Date 1922-00-00 -  
Length - -  
Page |1 |1  

New Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length
|0 Moonshine & Clover Laurence Housman 1923-00-00 INTERIORART -

WARNING: This publication has been modified by the following submissions since this submission was created:

Note to Moderator:

later learn about illustrator and engraver, should both have INTERIORART Title records?

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Submitted by Pwendt on 2016-12-04 18:57:47

Approved by MartyD on 2016-12-04 19:21:41

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