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Field Current Pub Record #600584 Proposed Changes Differences
Title Adventures in Shadow-Land -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Mary D. Nauman
Clara F. Guernsey
Date 1874-00-00 -
Publisher J. B. Lippincott -
Pages 169+117 169+117
Format hc -
ISBN - -
Catalog ID - -
Price - -
Pub. Series Enchanting Fairy Library -
Pub. Series # - -
Image - -
Web Pages - -
Data from Project Gutenberg #53899 & #53901 transcriptions and WorldCat Digital copy at U Florida Baldwin Collection -- original cover, illustrated, as "Enchanting Fairy Library" (front) and "Eva's Adventures and the Merman" (spine) -- title page: "... Two Volumes in One. With Illustrations." (uncredited) -- Contents, p7 and p5 -- stories span p9-169, 7-117 Two frontispieces precede title page and half-title part two. Each story spans 4 plates not included in the pagination, numbered such as B-104a in e-copy "Go To" menu. Some signatures may be legible (VIS and EBB?)
Data from Project Gutenberg #53899 & #53901 transcriptions and WorldCat OCLC: 60551824 Digital copy at U Florida Baldwin Collection -- original cover, illustrated, as "Enchanting Fairy Library" (front) and "Eva's Adventures and the Merman" (spine) -- title page: "... Two Volumes in One. With Illustrations." (uncredited) -- Contents, p7 and p5 -- stories span p9-169, 7-117 Two frontispieces precede title page and half-title part two. Each story spans 4 plates not included in the pagination, numbered such as B-104a in e-copy "Go To" menu. Some signatures may be legible (VIS and EBB?)
+ OCLC: <a href=''>60551824</a>
External IDs OCLC/WorldCat: 60551824 -

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Submitted by Pwendt on 2017-01-31 16:03:23

Approved by Chris J on 2017-01-31 22:55:43

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