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Field Current Pub Record #45260 Proposed Changes Differences
Title The Phantom Tollbooth -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Norton Juster -
Date 1988-11-00 1988-10-12
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher Bullseye Books / Alfred A. Knopf -
Pages 255 -
Format pb -
ISBN 0394820371 -
Catalog ID - -
Price $3.95 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image - -
Web Pages - -
(intended restoration of data from Locus1) Random House evidently re-used this ISBN for the 35th Anniversary ed. (1996, probably Yearling)
This ISBN online 2017-03-07: OCLC: 18680321 -- ISBN 0394820371 0394821998 Publ date from Amazon US and UK -- US as "Bullseye Books; Reprint edition" -- UK as "Random House Books for Young Readers; 35th edition" both show front and back cover images of Yearling ed., ISBN-13: 978-0394820378, $6.99 C$8.99
- (intended restoration of data from Locus1)
- Random House evidently re-used this ISBN for the 35th Anniversary ed. (<a href="">1996, probably Yearling</a>)
+ This ISBN online 2017-03-07:
+ OCLC: <a href="">18680321</a>
+ -- ISBN 0394820371 0394821998
+ Publ date from Amazon US and UK
+ -- US as "Bullseye Books; Reprint edition"
+ -- UK as "Random House Books for Young Readers; 35th edition"
+ both show front and back cover images of Yearling ed., ISBN-13: 978-0394820378, $6.99 C$8.99
External IDs - -

Secondary Verifications

Source Status Verifier Date
Locus1 Verified Chris J 2009-09-25 21:38:47

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Submitted by Pwendt on 2017-03-09 15:28:38

Approved by Chris J on 2017-03-09 21:46:21

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