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Field Current Pub Record #45615 Proposed Changes Warnings Differences
Title The Princess and the Goblin -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors George MacDonald -
Date 1920-00-00 1986-09-15
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher David McKay -
Pages 203+[8] -
Format hc -
ISBN - -
Catalog ID - -
Price $2.50 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image - Image
Image URL already on file
Web Pages - -
  • New ed. "203 pages, 8 unnumbered leaves of plates : color illustrations ; 25 cm" (WorldCat)
  • Price from retailer advert (Gimbel Brothers for Children's Book Week) NY Times 1920-11-20 p10: "Beautiful gift edition", one of four Gift Editions atop, evidently not at listed at discount prices
    Unknown source for price
  • LCCN: 86002532 OCLC: 13215078 -- "208 p., [8] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 24 cm."
  • Publ date and cover image from Amazon US 2017-04-11
  • Cover illustration is that of the 1920 ed. per Wikipedia
  • As of 2017-04-11, Amazon US provides "Look Inside!" undated 11th printing per numberline -- same ISBN and front cover design -- cover, title page, list of contents do not mention Glassman -- back cover gives prices US $24.99 / $37.99 CAN
  • Neither library record mentions Peter Glassman, nor any afterword, nor that this is a facsimile edition. Amazon is the only source for Glassman's role, probably, quoting "Afterword by Peter Glassman" as quoted by Booklist "A Books of Wonder(R) Classic". Probably the latter is a distinct edition under the Books of Wonder trademark. WorldCat search ('princess and the goblin' 'peter glassman'): no hits 2017-04-11
- <ul><li>
- New ed.
- "203 pages, 8 unnumbered leaves of plates : color illustrations ; 25 cm" (WorldCat)
- <li>
- Price from retailer advert (Gimbel Brothers for Children's Book Week) <i>NY Times</i> 1920-11-20 p10:
- "Beautiful gift edition", one of four Gift Editions atop, evidently not at listed at discount prices
+ <ul> Unknown source for price
+ <li>LCCN: <a HREF="">86002532</a>
+ OCLC: <a href="">13215078</a>
+ -- "208 p., [8] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 24 cm."
+ <li> Publ date and cover image from Amazon US 2017-04-11
+ <li> Cover illustration is that of the 1920 ed. per Wikipedia
+ <li> As of 2017-04-11, Amazon US provides "Look Inside!" undated 11th printing per numberline
+ -- same ISBN and front cover design
+ -- cover, title page, list of contents do not mention Glassman
+ -- back cover gives prices US $24.99 / $37.99 CAN
+ <li> Neither library record mentions Peter Glassman, nor any afterword, nor that this is a facsimile edition. Amazon is the only source for Glassman's role, probably, quoting "Afterword by Peter Glassman" as quoted by <i>Booklist</i> "A Books of Wonder(R) Classic". Probably the latter is a distinct edition under the Books of Wonder trademark.
+ WorldCat search ('princess and the goblin' 'peter glassman'): no hits 2017-04-11
External IDs LCCN: 20022250
OCLC/WorldCat: 3143509

Modified Regular Titles

Submitted by: Pwendt

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