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Field Current Pub Record #553897 Proposed Changes Differences
Title Undine -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors F. de la Motte Fouqué -
Date 2009-02-00 -
Pub. Type CHAPBOOK -
Publisher Wildside Press -
Pages viii+136 -
Format tp -
ISBN 9781434450012 -
Catalog ID - -
Price $13.95 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages - -
Price from as of 2016-01-01 Adapted from the German by W.L. Courtney
Data from as of 2016-01-01. OCLC: 610150227 -- "Reprint. Originally published: [New York : Limited Editions Club, 1930]" -- adapted from the German by W.L. Courtney
- Price from as of 2016-01-01
- Adapted from the German by W.L. Courtney
+ Data from as of 2016-01-01.
+ <br><br>
+ OCLC: <a href="">610150227</a>
+ -- "Reprint. Originally published: [New York : Limited Editions Club, 1930]"
+ -- adapted from the German by W.L. Courtney
External IDs OCLC/WorldCat: 610150227 -

Modified Regular Titles

Submitted by: Pwendt

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