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Importing content into publication record Puck of Pook's Hill

Publication Data

Field Current Value
Title Puck of Pook's Hill
Transliterated Titles -
Authors Rudyard Kipling
Pub Date 1906-00-00
Publisher Macmillan of Canada
Pages x+306
Format hc
Catalog ID -
Price -
Pub. Series -
Pub. Series # -
Image -
Web Page -
Canada edition
External IDs OCLC/WorldCat: 17393665

Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length Merge Method Warnings
bc Puck of Pook's Hill Shirley Felts 1986-00-00 INTERIORART - Auto Merge Title date after publication date
3 Puck's Song Rudyard Kipling 1905-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
31 A Tree Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
5 Weland's Sword Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
35 Young Men at the Manor Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
63 Sir Richard's Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
67 Harp Song of the Dane Women Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
69 The Knights of the Joyous Venture Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
101 Thorkild's Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
105 Old Men at Pevensey Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
135 The Runes on Weyland's Sword Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
139 A Centurion of the Thirtieth Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
141 A Centurion of the Thirtieth Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
163 A British-Roman Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
167 On the Great Wall Rudyard Kipling 1906-06-00 SHORTFICTION short story Auto Merge
191 A Song to Mithras Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
195 The Winged Hats Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
225 A Pict Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
229 Hal o' the Draft Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
231 Hal o' the Draft Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
251 A Smuggler's Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
255 The Bee Boy's Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
257 'Dymchurch Flit' Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
277 A Three-Part Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
281 Song of the Fifth River Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge
283 The Treasure and the Law Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 SHORTFICTION - Auto Merge
305 The Children's Song Rudyard Kipling 1906-00-00 POEM - Auto Merge

Note to Moderator:

later remove the "bc"

New record: Puck of Pook's Hill

View the submission as raw XML

Submitted by Pwendt on 2017-10-21 15:51:33

Approved by Chris J on 2017-10-21 18:59:20

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