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Title Data

Field Proposed Value
Title La Mort... ses œuvres
Transliterated Titles -
Léa Silhol?Lea Silhol
Title Date 2003-03-00
Series Emblèmes
Series Number -
Web Pages -
Language French
Length -
Content Indicator -
Non-Genre No
Juvenile No
Novelization No
Graphic No
Synopsis -
Title Note -

Publication Data

Field Proposed Value Warnings
Pub Title La Mort... ses œuvres
Transliterated Pub Titles -
Pub Authors
Léa Silhol?Lea Silhol
Pub Date 2003-03-00
Publisher Éditions de l'Oxymore
Pages 224
Format tp
ISBN 2913939279 ISBN already on file
Catalog ID -
Price €13.50
Pub Series -
Pub Series # -
Image Image
Image URL already on file
Pub Web Page -
Series Number : HS1
External IDs -

Cover Art

Title Artists Date
La Mort... ses œuvres Jean-Marc Rulier 2003-03-00

Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length Warnings
- La Mort... ses œuvres Jean-Marc Rulier 2003-03-00 INTERIORART -
7 L'oeuvre au rouge
Léa Silhol?Lea Silhol
2003-03-00 ESSAY -
15 Conte d'amour / IV / Au bord de la mer Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam 2003-03-00 POEM - Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam is an alternate name
19 La Mort est une femme aux yeux violeets Claude Mamier 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
41 Huit minutes Christophe Nicolas 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
49 Twa corbies Charles de Lint 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION short story
62 Puisque la mort est certaine Jonas Lenn 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
87 La Mort marraine Brothers Grimm 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION short story Brothers Grimm is a disambiguated name
Brothers Grimm is an alternate name
91 Le plafond blanc Alyz Tale 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
97 La stratégie Acanthe François Fierobe 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
102 Recalé
Évelyne Schreiner?Evelyne Schreiner
2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
117 D. Inc. Fabien Michalczak 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
138 La jeune fille et la mère Carole Grangier 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
143 La femme en blanc Arnaud Le Roux 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
151 Le prix à payer Olivier Grechter 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
165 Rendez-vous avec la Mort Sandrine Bettinelli 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
170 Sans fin Kristine Kathryn Rusch 2003-03-00 SHORTFICTION -
195 Images de la mort en verre fumée
Denis Labbé?Denis Labbe
2003-03-00 ESSAY -
206 Montrer la mort Sire Cédric 2003-03-00 ESSAY -
217 L'Ankou Anatole Le Braz 2003-03-00 ESSAY -

Source used:

Data from an owned primary source (will be auto-verified)

Note to Moderator:

Twa corbies translation of 628657 {{Tr|Sire Cédric}} La Mort marraine translation of 628657 1605085 translator uncredited as the date of first publication in French Sans fin translation of 44266 {{Tr|Estelle Valls de Gomis}}

New record: La Mort... ses œuvres

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Submitted by Jeanneretc on 2018-05-22 08:50:54

Approved by Anniemod on 2018-05-22 16:02:08

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