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Title Data

Field Proposed Value
Title Antologia Viitorului
Transliterated Titles -
Authors Henry Gee
Title Date 2012-11-12
Series -
Series Number -
Web Pages -
Language Romanian
Length -
Content Indicator -
Non-Genre No
Juvenile No
Novelization No
Graphic No
Synopsis -
Title Note
Translated by Alexandra Popescu and/or Ana-Veronica Mircea and/or Gabriel Stoian and/or Magda Xenofont and/or Silviu Genescu of ''Futures from Nature''

Publication Data

Field Proposed Value Warnings
Pub Title Antologia Viitorului
Transliterated Pub Titles -
Pub Authors Henry Gee
Pub Date 2012-11-12
Publisher Editura Nemira
Pages 416
Format tp
ISBN 9786065794443 ISBN already on file
Catalog ID -
Price -
Pub Series
Pub Series # -
Image Image
Image URL already on file
Pub Web Page
Data from and
External IDs ASIN: B00VTXHJ38 AU BR CA CN DE ES FR IN IT JP MX NL TR UAE UK US (US/UK earn commissions)

Cover Art

Title Artists Date
Antologia Viitorului Gabi Dumitru 2012-11-12

Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length Warnings
7 Introducere nostalgia viitorului Henry Gee 2012-11-12 ESSAY -
17 Abilitatea cognitivă și becul Brian Aldiss 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION - Brian Aldiss is a disambiguated name
Brian Aldiss is an alternate name
21 Nu falsificați! Gilles Amon 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
24 Verifică elasticul înainte de a sări! Neal Asher 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
28 Douăzeciși2 Nate Balding 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
33 Sub gheața marțiană Stephen Baxter 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
37 Inteligenta legitimație de partid Barrington J. Bayley 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
41 RAM defazat 2 Greg Bear 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION - Greg Bear is a disambiguated name
46 O viață cu un semiconștient Gregory Benford 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
50 Să fii al naibii dacă n-o faci Lucy Bergman 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
54 Pedeapsă pe măsură David Berreby 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
58 Avioane de jucărie Tobias S. Buckell 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
60 Un exemplu beton J.-P. Boon+J. Casti+Carl Djerassi+J. Johnson+A. Lovett+T. Norretranders+V. Patera+C. Sommerer+R. Taylor 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
66 Durerile lui Dion Harper Arthur Chrenkoff 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
70 Măsuri locale de îmbunătățire Arthur C. Clarke 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION - Arthur C. Clarke is a disambiguated name
73 Omfalosfera Jack Cohen 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
77 Pisica lui Picasso Ron Collins 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
81 Râul bunicului Brenda Cooper 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
85 Castele de nisip: o distopie Kathryn Cramer 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
89 Hot dogi ŕ la Adam la sfârșitul lumii Jeff Crook 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
93 Petrecerea s-a terminat Penelope Kim Crowther 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -
97 Transport de plăcere Roland Denison 2012-11-12 SHORTFICTION -

Source used:

Data from another source (details should be provided in the submitted Note)

New record: Antologia Viitorului

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Submitted by Terraflorin on 2020-01-04 13:06:57

Approved by MagicUnk on 2020-01-05 16:33:10

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