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Field Current Pub Record #800377 Proposed Changes Differences
Title Ghost Species -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors James Bradley -
Date 2020-10-15 -
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton -
Pages - -
Format ebook -
ISBN 9781529358094 -
Catalog ID - -
Price £8.99 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages -
Data from Amazon UK, Kobo (GB) and publisher's site between 2020-10-04 and 2020-10-10; additional data from Twitter and Kindle edition as of 2021-01-14. This publisher tweet states that this title/publication is "[o]ne of the first fiction titles from our new imprint, @Hodder_Studio"; however nothing in a Kindle edition downloaded in late 2020 (nor in the "Look Inside" preview visible on Amazon UK as of 2021-01-14) indicates that the publisher is anything other than the main "Hodder & Stoughton" imprint. Print length of 248 pages listed by Amazon UK. Price is RRP as listed at publisher's site; price at Amazon UK and Kobo (GB): £2.99. and Amazon CA ASIN: B08K8QH2KN; price: $5.99/C$0.99. (Canadian price as of 2021-02-16). Details from copyright page: First published in Great Britain in 2020 by Hodder & Stoughton Copyright © James Bradley 2020
Data from Amazon UK, Kobo (GB) and publisher's site between 2020-10-04 and 2020-10-10; additional data from Twitter and Kindle edition as of 2021-01-14. This publisher tweet states that this title/publication is "[o]ne of the first fiction titles from our new imprint, @Hodder_Studio"; however nothing in a Kindle edition downloaded in late 2020 (nor in the "Look Inside" preview visible on Amazon UK as of 2021-01-14) indicates that the publisher is anything other than the main "Hodder & Stoughton" imprint. Print length of 248 pages listed by Amazon UK. Price is RRP as listed at publisher's site; price at Amazon UK and Kobo (GB): £2.99. ASIN: B08K8QH2KN; price: $5.99. Details from copyright page: First published in Great Britain in 2020 by Hodder & Stoughton Copyright © James Bradley 2020
- and Amazon CA ASIN: B08K8QH2KN; price: $5.99/C$0.99. (Canadian price as of 2021-02-16).
+ ASIN: B08K8QH2KN; price: $5.99.
External IDs ASIN: B08JH63FXC AU BR CA CN DE ES FR IN IT JP MX NL TR UAE UK US (US/UK earn commissions) B08K8QH2KN AU BR CA CN DE ES FR IN IT JP MX NL TR UAE UK US (US/UK earn commissions) -

WARNING: This publication has been verified against the primary source.

Primary Verifications

Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
ErsatzCulture 2021-02-12 17:09:20 Permanent 2024-04-16

WARNING: This publication has been modified by the following submissions since this submission was created:

Note to Moderator:

The precise imprint this is supposed to be under has contradictory information; what was already in the database matches the Kindle version I own (which I'll PV in a sec) but is contrary to the publisher statements. Given that the ebook itself (and what you can see on the Amazon UK preview) has "BOOK COVER To Be Supplied" as the image shown within the ebook itself, one suspects that this may have gone out before being properly finished - the ebook coming out ~4 months before the tp is slightly odd, although perhaps that's just 2020/2021 for you...

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Submitted by ErsatzCulture on 2021-01-14 10:20:16

Approved by Rtrace on 2021-01-14 10:22:27

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