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Field Current Pub Record #358001 Proposed Changes
Title Twin Orbs -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Dirk Vanden -
Date 1969-00-00 -
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher Greenleaf Classics -
Pages 195 -
Format pb -
ISBN - -
Catalog ID GL126 -
Price $2.95 $2.95
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages - -
Information on this book from The Whole Science Fiction Data Base 6 and WorldCat.
External IDs OCLC/WorldCat: 17223632
Reginald-1: 14474

Secondary Verifications

Source Status Verifier Date
Reginald1 Verified Rtrace 2020-12-15 19:31:00
OCLC/Worldcat Verified Rtrace 2020-12-15 19:31:00

WARNING: This publication has been modified by the following submissions since this submission was created:

Note to Moderator:

no cover on Amazon; 1 photo online too small; came through with a picture that magnified and showed a perfectly clear 2.95

View the submission as raw XML

Submitted by Username on 2021-03-15 23:39:27

Approved by Rtrace on 2021-03-16 09:46:31

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