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Approved Publication Update Submission

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Note: For "Edit" submissions, the "Current" column shows the data as it currently exists in the database, not as it existed when the submission was created.

Field Current Pub Record #838133 Proposed Changes
Title Vows & Honor -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Mercedes Lackey -
Date 2017-09-05 -
Pub. Type OMNIBUS -
Publisher Titan Books -
Pages - -
Format ebook ebook
ISBN 9781783296163 -
Catalog ID - -
Price £3.79 -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image Image
Web Pages - -
Data from Amazon UK, Kobo (GB) and Blackwells between 2021-03-25 and 2021-04-03. Print length of 837 pages listed by Amazon UK. Price at Kobo (GB): £3.99.
External IDs ASIN: B074JLWYML AU BR CA CN DE ES FR IN IT JP MX NL TR UAE UK US (US/UK earn commissions) -

Note to Moderator:

Fix wrong format (Maybe there should be a report for physical pubs that have ASINs - are there any valid cases where that should happen?)

View the submission as raw XML

Submitted by ErsatzCulture on 2021-06-04 11:08:07

Approved by Anniemod on 2021-06-04 12:56:05

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