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Title Data

Field Proposed Value
Title Scifaikuest: Online, February 2020
Transliterated Titles -
Authors Teri Santitoro
Title Date 2020-02-00
Series Scifaikuest: Online
Series Number -
Web Pages -
Language English
Length -
Content Indicator -
Non-Genre No
Juvenile No
Novelization No
Graphic No
Synopsis -
Title Note -

Publication Data

Field Proposed Value
Pub Title Scifaikuest: Online, February 2020
Transliterated Pub Titles -
Pub Authors Teri Santitoro
Pub Date 2020-02-00
Publisher Alban Lake Publishing
Pages -
Format webzine
Catalog ID -
Price -
Pub Series -
Pub Series # -
Image -
Pub Web Page -
Archived web page of publisher's site
External IDs -

Regular Titles

Page Title Authors Date Type Length Warnings
|1 "Martian Valentine" Sakyu 2020-02-00 POEM - Sakyu is an alternate name
|2 "pack of werewolves" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|3 "fissures in the skin" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|4 "tidal waves" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|5 "happy hour" LeRoy Gorman 2020-02-00 POEM -
|6 "in black holes" Denny E. Marshall 2020-02-00 POEM -
|7 "interplanetary" Tom Sacramona 2020-02-00 POEM -
|8 "manned mission on Mars" Brian Gene Olson 2020-02-00 POEM -
|9 "world of sentient trees" Brian Gene Olson 2020-02-00 POEM -
|10 "beneath burnt rocks -" Banks Miller 2020-02-00 POEM -
|11 disconnection Herb Kauderer 2020-02-00 POEM -
|12 "Golden Record" Nick Hoffman 2020-02-00 POEM -
|13 "photons in knit and purl" Kimberly Nugent 2020-02-00 POEM -
|14 "Ganymede" David C. Kopaska-Merkel 2020-02-00 POEM -
|15 "canoe the arctic" David C. Kopaska-Merkel 2020-02-00 POEM -
|16 Gifts for the Future Matthew Wilson 2020-02-00 POEM -
|17 "smell of sweat and oil" Guy Belleranti 2020-02-00 POEM -
|18 "suddenly hostile" Ngo Binh Anh Khoa 2020-02-00 POEM -
|19 "glistening scalpel" Guy Belleranti 2020-02-00 POEM -
|20 "home, alone..." ayaz daryl nielsen 2020-02-00 POEM -
|21 "our team" David C. Kopaska-Merkel 2020-02-00 POEM -
|22 "snowy plains" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|23 "living an eternity" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|24 "whispered words" Christina Sng 2020-02-00 POEM -
|25 all the lonely humans Herb Kauderer 2020-02-00 POEM -
|26 Underworld Creatures Herb Kauderer 2020-02-00 POEM -
|27 making it homey Herb Kauderer 2020-02-00 POEM -
|28 "I cloned myself" Guy Belleranti 2020-02-00 POEM -
|29 "your stubborn younger self" David C. Kopaska-Merkel 2020-02-00 POEM -
|30 "flu shot: alien invasion" Herb Kauderer 2020-02-00 POEM -
|31 "Earth artificially inseminating the Martian soil" Tom Sacramona 2020-02-00 POEM -
|32 Timing is Everything Lauren McBride 2020-02-00 POEM -
|33 "human ritual" William Landis 2020-02-00 POEM -
|33 "letter finished" William Landis 2020-02-00 POEM -
|34 Imbeciles Robert E. Porter 2020-02-00 ESSAY -

Source used:

Data from another source (details should be provided in the submitted Note)

New record: Scifaikuest: Online, February 2020

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Submitted by Scifibones on 2021-09-04 17:44:56

Approved by Rtrace on 2021-09-04 21:40:50

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