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Field Current Pub Record #437545 Proposed Changes
Title Clipper of the Clouds -
Transliterated Titles - -
Authors Jules Verne -
Date 1956-00-00 -
Pub. Type NOVEL -
Publisher Scottie Books -
Pages 222 -
Format pb -
ISBN - -
Catalog ID J48 -
Price 2/- -
Pub. Series - -
Pub. Series # - -
Image - -
Web Pages - -
Artist not credited; signature visible but illegible in lower right corner, partly obscured by damage to cover. Looks like "Reginald?" or "Roger???". Artist identified on 03/30/2022 as John Richards, who also did the covers for the other 2 Scottie books on ISFDB. "Scottie Edition published 1956" on copyright page.
Artist not credited; signature visible but illegible in lower right corner, partly obscured by damage to cover. Looks like "Reginald?" or "Roger???". Artist identified on 03/30/2022 as John Richards, who also did the covers for the other 2 Scottie books on ISFDB. "Scottie Edition published 1956" on copyright page.
External IDs - -

New Cover Art

Title Artists Date Warnings
Clipper of the Clouds John Richards 1956-00-00 John Richards is a disambiguated name

WARNING: This publication has been verified against the primary source.

Primary Verifications

Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Mike Christie 2014-02-03 14:06:52 Transient 2023-09-29

WARNING: This publication has been modified by the following submissions since this submission was created:

Note to Moderator:

cover artist w/ note

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Submitted by Username on 2022-03-30 11:36:42

Approved by Nihonjoe on 2022-04-05 19:42:07

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