Bio:Amy Mah

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Amy Mah. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Amy Mah. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Amy Mah should be placed on Author:Amy Mah.

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My name is Amy Mah and I am Asian Chinese by looks, I could say that I am oriental looking, but if I do people would think I look like a carpet.

I’m in my 20s with a very strange sense of humor, I look at the world and see how stupid it is and like to point this out, to know what I mean just read my blog:

I just love anime and manga and so I have had my own image turned into a manga cartoon which is what you will see in my books. What else? …….. Well I think faster than I can type ………and I type faster than I can spell. See more of me and my book visit my website at :

My first book is Fangs Rule (a girls guide to being a vampire) isbn 9781874192480

VAMPIRE : My Life as a teenage vampire (Night Life) isbn 9781874192626

Vampire Illustrated (the Full Color Illustrated Amy Mah Vampire Novel) (Night Life)isbn: 9781874192619

latest book: Smoking Hot: the Diary of a Fire Demon

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