Bio:Dale Carlson

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Dale Carlson. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Dale Carlson. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Dale Carlson should be placed on Author:Dale Carlson.

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Author of over 60 books, adult and juvenile, fiction and nonfiction, Carlson has received three ALA Notable Book Awards, the Christopher Award, the ForeWord Book of the Year Award, YALSA Nomination Quick Picks for Young Adults, New York Public Library Best Books for Teens, VOYA Honor Book. She writes science, psychology, dialogue and meditation books for young adults, and general adult nonfiction. Carlson has lived and taught in the Far East: India, Indonesia, China, Japan. She teaches writing in Connecticut and abroad during part of each year. In 1993 she founded the Bick Publishing House.