Bio:David Mack

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This is an ISFDB biography page for David Mack. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of David Mack. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of David Mack should be placed on Author:David Mack.

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David Mack is the national bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including Wildfire, Harbinger, Reap the Whirlwind, Road of Bones, and the Star Trek Destiny trilogy — Gods of Night, Mere Mortals, and Lost Souls.

In addition to novels, Mack's diverse writing credits span several media, including television (for episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), film, short fiction, magazines, newspapers, comic books, computer games, radio, and the Internet.

Upcoming novels by David Mack include the supernatural thriller The Calling, his first original novel; Promises Broken, a novel of The 4400; and Precipice, the fifth installment of the acclaimed Star Trek Vanguard series.

Mack currently resides in New York City with his wife, Kara.