Bio:Landell Bartlett

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Landell Bartlett. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Landell Bartlett. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Landell Bartlett should be placed on Author:Landell Bartlett.

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Landell Bartlett was born in Colorado Springs on January 14, 1897. He attended Colorado Springs High School, now Palmer High School, and graduated from Colorado College in 1920. Bartlett was an accountant for 33 years at Holly Sugar, retiring from the company in 1962. Bartlett married in 1932. He and his wife, Dorothy, had no children. He served in the Army in World War I and was a member of the Academy of American Poets, the Poetry Fellowship of Colorado Springs, the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club and the American Legion Post 5. He died in 1972 at age 75.[1][2] Sources for information about Landell Bartlett:
An article from KRRC public radio (fetched on 12/27/2010) mentions Landell Bartlett as a friend of Robert Heinlein's. In particular, though, this article specifies that the person by this name who was born in Colorado Springs is the person who wrote the story Vanguard of Venus.
Information in the special collections department of the Pikes Peak Library District on a Landell Bartlett born in Colorado Springs gives his birth/death dates and a basic biography. --

1. ^  Colorado Springs Gazette, October 28, 1998.

2. ^  Pikes Peak Library District Landell Bartlett collection Biography.