Bio:Laramie Sasseville

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Laramie Sasseville. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Laramie Sasseville. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Laramie Sasseville should be placed on Author:Laramie Sasseville.

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Laramie Sasseville is a writer and artist/illustrator residing in Minneapolis, MN. A long time contributer of fan art to publications for Minneapolis Scientifiction Society and Minicon, she has also won multiple Honorable Mentions in the Illustrators of the Future Contest, as well as having her artwork published in Challenging Destiny, Tales of the Unanticipated, Third Order, The Dream Network, Once Upon a Time Magazine for Children's Writers and Illustrators, Cabinet de Fes, and Spinning Free.

She created A Discordian Coloring Book in 1983 and later a print-on-demand version available through Createspace.

Active in the Minneapolis area filk community for over twenty years, she published the limited edition Mplhymnal and Mplhymnal Redux song books.