Bio:Maginel Wright Enright

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Maginel Wright Enright. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Maginel Wright Enright. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Maginel Wright Enright should be placed on Author:Maginel Wright Enright.

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Born Margaret Ellen Wright, the sister of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

Canonical name Maginel Wright Barney at LCCN and WorldCat.

Credited only as Maginel Wright Enright in this database as of 2016-07-25.

In the Wikipedia biography Maginel Wright Enright she is Maginel Wright Enright Barney in the lead, with surnames of both husbands, for which LCCN cites her papers at Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation. She is "Wright Enright" in prose.

LC Online Catalog includes one record of a book co-illustrated with her first husband, credited as "Walter J. & Maginal Wright Enright": The House on the North Shore by Washburne (Chicago: McClurg, 1909) LCCN: 09-24263.
--so credited on the title page, five full-page illustrations apparently unsigned

HathiTrust Digital Library provides full view of several works, 12 Results for author:"Barney, Maginel Wright, 1877-1966."