Bio:Rick Boatright

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Rick Boatright. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Rick Boatright. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Rick Boatright should be placed on Author:Rick Boatright.

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Rick Boatright is exactly the same age as Bill Gates and like Bill has been a software developer since the early 1970s, but in Rick's case a developer for not-for-profit social service agencies. He's been a moderator of online forums as long as online forums have existed. Since 2001 he's been a writer and editor, as well as the Head Geek, for Eric Flint's 1632 alternate history world. He also held the Head Geek title for Jim Baen's Universe magazine. He is the perpetrator of the annual "Weird Tech" lectures associated with the 1632 minicon and was the creator of Ring of Fire series character, Dr. Gribbleflotz, the world's greatest alchemist and Father Nicholas Smithson S.J. author of the famous 17th century handbook on the exegesis of uptime texts "How Not to Think Like a Redneck."