Publisher:Crowswing Books

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Crowswing Books is an independent UK press (AKA Author:Sean Wright) that publish new, emerging and award-winning authors and artists.

Ken Alden, Allen Ashley, Neil Ayres, Che Ballard, Kealan Partick Burke, Ramsey Campbell, Gabe Chouinard, James Cooper, Peter Crowther, Lisa DuMond, Les Edwards, Paul Finch, Gary Fry, Jeff Gardiner, P. Grey, Andrew Hook, Stephen Jones, Ian Jarvis, Paul Jessup, Michael Kelly, Geoff Maloney, Richard Marchand, Gary McMahon, Sam Mills, Michael Mirolla, Gary Moeser, Harry O Morris, David Murdoch, Sian Orthello, John Pelan, Michelle A.Ponto, Gary Power, John L Probert, David Riley, Robert Sammelin, Eric Shapiro, David A. Sutton, Peter Tennant, Aliya Whiteley, Sean Wright,

ISBN prefixes: 0-9544374 and 1-905100