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This page is the wiki-page for the publisher or imprint Granada. This page may be used for extended notes about the publisher, including alternate names, changes of ownership, associated imprints, locations, etc. The link above leads to the ISFDB publisher record for Granada. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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Granada was a British Media group that acquired several publishers in the 1960s, notably Panther Books. From 1968 onwards Granada Publishing Limited used Panther, Granada and several other imprints such as Mayflower, Five Star Books, Dragon and Triad on its books. (Sometimes two at once.)

Granada got out of the publishing business in 1983, selling the Publishing division to William Collins, Sons & Co Ltd based in Glasgow. Some imprints continued - e.g. there are Grafton Panther books (Grafton being another imprint of Collins).

Confusingly, ISBNs and printing numbers often continue across imprints and/or publishers.

Common ISBN prefixes: 0586, 0583, 0246.