Series:The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction series. This page may be used for a list of the titles in the series, bibliographic comments or extended notes about the series, or discussion on how to organize and/or record the works in the series. The link above leads to the ISFDB series record for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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Issue Grid


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction has been published since 1949, although issue #1 was titled The Magazine of Fantasy. Extensive cross-referenced bibliography up to 1999 (including Venture Science Fiction Magazine) by Ray Lovell. See also the magazine website at Post-2000 issues contents mostly available at their "Back issues" page (even when an issue is sold-out, the page is available on a predictable URL) or the "Departments" one: note that much of recent nonfiction content is available on the website.

For history, see also wikipedia:The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

A one year subscription (11 issues) is currently $34.97 as of the June 2008 issue. Write:

Fantasy & Science Fiction
Spilogale, Inc.
PO Box 3447
Hoboken, NJ 07030



Essay Series

Note: Data is still being entered into the essay series, and old data is being reformatted for consistency. Use "F&SF" for magazine title in series, as above.


Thanks to Edwin M. Schaefer for the use of his collection in reconstructing this data. Most of the information from 1974 thru 1994 was supplied by Michael J. Cross (mike (at) Holes in the 1974-1994 era were filled by the Schaefer collection, which was the primary source for 1965-1973 data. The 1949-1951,1953, 1954(Feb-Oct,Dec), 1955(Jan-Mar,May-Jun,Aug-Oct,Dec), 1956(Jan,Mar-Oct,Dec), 1957(Jan-Aug, Oct-Dec), 1958-1959, 1960(Jan,Mar,May-Dec), 1961(Jan-Feb, Apr-May, Jul-Dec), 1962(Jan-Jun,Aug,Nov-Dec), 1963(Jan-Nov) data was supplied by David Stovall (da9ve (at)

US & UK editions

After the british edition with different contents was stopped (last issue was June 1964), note that there was a slight difference between US and UK diffused issues. It can be seen here that, even if the contents were strictly similar, the covers of the titles for the british market had an UK price instead of the publisher's logo or an UK pice added near the US one. This practice seemed to end in 1969/1970 where both prices were present on all issues.

Image Sources