Bio:Porter Emerson Browne

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Porter Emerson Browne. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Porter Emerson Browne. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Porter Emerson Browne should be placed on Author:Porter Emerson Browne.

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PORTER EMERSON BROWNE was born June 22, 1879, in Beverly, MA. [This date is from the WWI registration draft card he filled out.] Although he started his career as a journalist for the Brooklyn Standard Union, his colorful career reportedly included serving as secretary to Pancho Villa and speech writer for Theodore Roosevelt. Though he published at least 8 books and 60 some short stories, today he is primarily remembered as a dramatist. Among his most famous plays were A Fool There Was (1909), The Spendthrift (1910), and The Bad Man (1920). He died, at the age of 55, in Norwalk, CT, on September 20, 1934. Dr. Charles G. Waugh