What's New from 1995

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What's New from 1995

What's New - 27 Dec 1995

  • Altered ccpubs to automatically generate artist information from the CV attribute stored in the publication data. In plain English, this means that artwork data doesn't have to be double-entered any more.

What's New - 20 Dec 1995

  • As requested, turned off the [Pub Biblio] link if there isn't actually any publication data to view. Modified the content listing feature so that the contents of an omnibus are displayed.

What's New - 03 Dec 1995

  • Added a new option to the search facility: the ability to generate an index of fiction for a given year. This options filters works for a given year, then collates them by author. This allows one to easily view what works an author produced in a given year. This feature pushes the database engine to 0.7.

What's New - 29 Oct 1995

  • Added support for one level of superseries. This should handle most of the current series situations. Those authors who insist on creating a subseries of a subseries of a series need to get a life and find something else to write about - I just don't feel like dealing with an unlimited number of nested series today.

What's New - 15 Oct 1995

  • Added support for British prices. The database compiler tools are built around the UNIX lex and yacc facilities, which don't appreciate the 8-bit ASCII or ISO character sets. So, to get the £ sign to work, British prices should be preceded with an L, as in: L5.99. The database engine will then handle the generation of the £ sign.

What's New - 08 Oct 1995

  • Added support for variant titles. These are tagged in the titles database as an appendage to the working title. Variant titles are denoted with the '^' operator.

What's New - 03 Oct 1995

  • Added support for Zine Serials. This seems like enough additional features since 0.5 to go to 0.6.

What's New - 29 Sept 1995

  • Added Zine auto-detect for Content Listings. If all of the works in a specific publication have story length info, the listing goes into "zine mode" and outputs the list via novella, novelette, short story, and poem sections, just like the contents page of a zine.
  • Added support for a Non-Genre category, as well as an Artwork category for cover art. Content Listings which denote the cover artist, now have a hotlink to the artists Summary "Bibliography". Both categories show up on the Summary Bibliography, and the search result listings for year and title.

What's New - 28 Sept 1995

  • Added support for poems; will probably add non-genre next. Not that I necessarily like tracking poems, but I decided to add them for completeness while I'm pounding in the Asimov Zine info.
  • Added an SL attribute to the short fiction entries. This keeps track of story length and is used to differentiate between novellas, novelettes, and short stories - if that information is known.

What's New - 26 Sept 1995

  • Rewrote the manner in which the awards database is constructed. Previously, there was a separate compiled database, reverse author index, and reverse year index for each award. Now there is just one for all awards. The award type is an extra tag in the database.
  • Recoded the awards pages so that the author column is pulled left as far as possible if no title exceeds 50 characters.
  • Added full linewrap for bibliographic data on the summary page, so awards don't spill off the right margin.
  • Added title hot-links to publication history on the Summary Bibliography. This allows the user to discern at a glance what titles have publication data, and to quickly view that data. This feature brings the database engine to rev 0.5.

What's New - 18 Sept 1995

  • Publication Bibliographies are now online. The new Pub_Biblio anchor is located on the Summary Bibliography. Every known publication instance of a specific work is displayed, and publication titles are hotlinks to detailed publication information. For omnibus, zines, collections, and anthologies, this detailed information may include a listing of all works contained within the publication. These listings consist of author/title pairs, and the author listings are hotlinks back to that author's Summary Bibliography. Engine Rev = 0.4
  • Made a first pass at adding a zine page, allowing the user to look at the contents of a specific SF zine.

What's New - 14 Sept 1995

  • Added Corrections and New_Data anchors to the author biblio. Selecting Corrections brings up the authors correction page, which allows the user to select a work for correction. Upon selecting the work, a prefilled correction form is present to the user. The New_Data anchor presents a newdata form to the user, with only the Author field prefilled. The ability to submit corrections and new data brings the Engine up to Rev 0.3.
  • Added a separate Anthology Series section to the bibliography.

What's New - 11 Sept 1995

  • The date field has been updated to comprehend forthcoming books, and now the expected publication date is printed. There is a new top-level menu which allows the displaying of all forthcoming books, sorted by month. The Engine is now Rev 0.2.

What's New - 09 Sept 1995

  • Initial comments indicated a desire to show award nominations as well as award wins on the author's biblio page. This has been added (nominations have the notation [AwYear n]).
  • Additionally, some terminals are still limited to 80 columns. Since the biblios use preformatted html, a wrap/indent feature was added to prevent long titles from spilling off the right edge of the page.

What's New - 08 Sept 1995

  • ISFDB Engine 0.1 went online.