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Award Category: Best Short Form Alternate History (Sidewise Awards for Alternate History)

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Win Brigantia's Angels Stephen Baxter
Nomination Brute Skill David Garnett
Nomination From Whom All Blessings Flow Stephen Dedman
Nomination Must and Shall Harry Turtledove
Nomination Receding Horizon Jonathan Lethem and Carter Scholz
Nomination The Lincoln Train Maureen F. McHugh
Nomination You *Could* Go Home Again Howard Waldrop
Win Foreign Devils Walter Jon Williams
Nomination Abdication Street Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman
Nomination Age of Aquarius William Barton
Nomination Resurrection Mark W. Tiedemann
Nomination The Miracle of Ivar Avenue John Kessel
--- Withdrawn -- Ineligible -------
* Bloody Knife and Morning Star David Niall Wilson
* Columbiad Stephen Baxter
* Flatfeet! Howard Waldrop
* The Death-Sweet Scent of Lilies David Niall Wilson
* To Bring the Light David Drake
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* 1967 Letters in the Wall Barry N. Malzberg and Batya Swift Yasgur
* Canals in the Sand Kevin J. Anderson
* Citizen Ed Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman
* Ezcalli Kenneth Hite and Craig Neumeier and Michael Schiffer
* Flashed Shadows Morgan Hua
* Gernsback Kenneth Hite and Craig Neumeier and Michael Schiffer
* Nixon in Space Rob McCleary
* Prospero One Stephen Baxter and Simon Bradshaw
* Shikaku-mon Kenneth Hite and Craig Neumeier and Michael Schiffer
* Spelunking at the Cavern Michael A. Martin
* Symphony in a Minor Key H. G. Stratmann
* The Politics of Pneumatic Times Eric T. Baker
* The Spear of the Sun David Langford
* The Temptation of Dr Stein Paul J. McAuley
* To See the World End M. Shayne Bell
Win The Undiscovered William Sanders
Nomination For the Strength of the Hills Lee Allred
Nomination Teddy Bears' Picnic Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman
Nomination The King of Poland's Foot Cavalry Roland J. Green
Win The Summer Isles Ian R. MacLeod
Nomination The Wire Continuum Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke
Nomination US Howard Waldrop
Nomination Waiting for the End Robert Silverberg
Win The Eighth Register (translation of Le huitième registre) Alain Bergeron
Nomination A Hero of the Empire Robert Silverberg
Nomination Getting to Know the Dragon Robert Silverberg
Nomination The Secret History of the Ornithopter Jan Lars Jensen
Win Seventy-Two Letters Ted Chiang
Nomination A Very British History Paul J. McAuley
Nomination HMS Habakkuk Eugene Byrne
Nomination The Other Side of Midnight: Anno Dracula 1981 (variant of The Other Side of Midnight) Kim Newman
Nomination Xochiquetzal e a esquadra da vingança Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* A Colder War Charles Stross
* A Place to Stand William H. Keith, Jr.
* Bloody Bunnies Bradley Denton
* Castle in the Desert: Anno Dracula 1977 Kim Newman
* Loose Upon the Earth a Daemon Tim Waggoner
* Watching Trees Grow Peter F. Hamilton
* What If Al Gore Had Won in Florida? Will Feltus and Laura Ingraham
Win The Human Front Ken MacLeod
Nomination First to the Moon! Stephen Baxter and Simon Bradshaw
Win Empire William Sanders
Nomination The Invisible Empire John Kessel
Nomination The Last Ride of German Freddie Walter Jon Williams
Nomination We Come Not to Praise Washington Charles Coleman Finlay
Nomination With Caesar in the Underworld Robert Silverberg
Win O One Chris Roberson
Nomination The Cuban Missile Crisis: Second Holocaust Robert L. O'Connell
Nomination The Day We Went Through the Transition (translation of El día que hicimos la Transición) Ricard de la Casa and Pedro Jorge Romero
Nomination The Eyes of America Geoffrey A. Landis
Nomination The Reign of Terror Robert Silverberg
Win Ministry of Space (Comic Book) Warren Ellis and Chris Weston and Laura DuPuy Martin
Nomination Five Guys Named Moe Sean Klein
Nomination Red Hands, Black Hands Chris Roberson
Nomination The Ashbazu Effect John G. McDaid
Nomination The Gladiator's War: A Dialog Lois Tilton
Nomination The Héloïse Archive L. Timmel Duchamp
Win Pericles the Tyrant Lois Tilton
Nomination A Key to the Illuminated Heretic A. M. Dellamonica
Nomination Harvest Moon William Barton
Nomination Panacea Jason Stoddard
Nomination The 2005 Hugo Award Ceremony Script Kim Newman and Paul McAuley
Win Counterfactual Gardner Dozois
Nomination History Lesson Chris Floyd
Nomination O, Pioneer Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
Nomination Palestina Martin J. Gidron
Nomination The Meteor of the War Andrew Tisbert
Nomination The Pacific Mystery Stephen Baxter
Nomination The Plurality of Worlds Brian Stableford
Win Quaestiones Super Caelo et Mundo Michael F. Flynn
Win Recovering Apollo 8 Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Nomination "Les Innocents/Lumiere" (A Chapter in Fix-up Novel New Amsterdam) Elizabeth Bear
Nomination An Alternate History of Chinese Science Fiction Jess Nevins
Nomination Metal Dragon Year Chris Roberson
Nomination Missives from Possible Futures #1: Alternate History Search Results John Scalzi
Nomination Public Safety Matthew Johnson
Win Sacrifice Mary Rosenblum
Nomination A Brief Guide to Other Histories Paul J. McAuley
Nomination G-Men Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Nomination Night Bird Soaring T. L. Morganfield
Nomination Poison Victory Albert E. Cowdrey
Nomination The People's Machine Tobias S. Buckell
Win The Fixation Alastair Reynolds
Nomination Black Swan Bruce Sterling
Nomination Edison's Frankenstein Chris Roberson
Nomination The Persistence of Souls Sarah Zettel
Nomination Yes We Have No Bananas Paul Di Filippo
Win A Clash of Eagles Alan Smale
Nomination Alten Kameraden Barry B. Longyear
Nomination Goin' Down to Anglotown William F. Wu
Nomination Mammoths of the Great Plains Eleanor Arnason
Nomination Sidewinders Ken MacLeod
Win Paradise Is a Walled Garden Lisa Goldstein
Nomination Lee at the Alamo Harry Turtledove
Nomination Orion Rising Jason Stoddard
Nomination The Iron Shirts Michael F. Flynn
Win Something Real Rick Wilber
Nomination Adrift on the Sea of Rains Ian Sales
Nomination Fade to White Catherynne M. Valente
Nomination Great White Ship Lou Antonelli
Nomination Steamgothic Sean McMullen
Win The Weight of the Sunrise Vylar Kaftan
Nomination A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel Ken Liu
Nomination Blair's War Ian Watson
Nomination Cayos in the Stream Harry Turtledove
Nomination Tollund Adam Roberts
Nomination Uncertainty Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Win The Long Haul: From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009 Ken Liu
Nomination Let No Man Put Asunder Aaron Rosenberg
Nomination The Black Sun Lewis Shiner
Nomination The Girl with the Flaxen Hair Igor Ljubuncic
Nomination The More It Changes Harry Turtledove
Nomination The Principles Robert Reed
Win It Doesn't Matter Anymore Bill Crider
Nomination Elizabethtown Eric Cline
Nomination Losing Amelia Rev DiCerto
Nomination Red Legacy Eneasz Brodski
Nomination The Hero of Deadwood James Reasoner
Nomination The Last of Time Ken Poyner
Win Treasure Fleet Daniel Bensen
Win What If the Jewish State Had Been Established in East Africa? Adam Rovner
Nomination Pirate Utopia Bruce Sterling
Nomination The Battle of London Bridge G. K. Holloway
Nomination The Danish Crutch Anna Belfrage
Nomination Twilight of the Mesozoic Moon Brent A. Harris and Ricardo Victoria
Win Zigeuner Harry Turtledove
Nomination N'oublions Jamais Tom Anderson and Bruno Lombardi
Nomination Sun River Nisi Shawl
Nomination The Twenty Year Reich Dave D'Alessio
Win Codex Valtierra Oscar (Xiu) Ramirez and Emmanuel Valtierra
Nomination The Secret City Rick Wilber
Win Christmas Truce Harry Turtledove
Nomination Any Way the Wind Blows Seanan McGuire
Nomination Drang nach Osten (Drive to the East) Christopher G. Nuttall
Nomination The Blue and the Red: Palmerston's Ironclads William Stroock
Nomination The Kaiserin of the Seas Christopher G. Nuttall
Win Moonshot Matthew Kresal
Nomination 1827: Napoléon in Australia Andrew J. Harvey
Nomination Wheel of Echoes Sean McMullen
Win Gunpowder Treason Alan Smale
Nomination Billie the Kid Rick Wilber
Nomination Hitchcock's Titanic Matthew Kresal
A Dream of Electric Mothers Wole Talabi
A Sky and a Heaven Eric Choi
Nomination It's Real Life Paul Levinson
Nomination Kingsbury 1944 Michael Cassutt
Win Apollo in Retrograde Rosemary Claire Smith
Nomination Toe-to-Toe Mark Ciccone
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