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Award Category: Fantasy Novella (Aurealis Award for Excellence in Speculative Fiction)

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Win Defy the Grey Kings Jason Fischer
--- Finalists -------
* Broken Glass Stephanie Gunn
* Lodloc and the Bear Steve Cameron
* Of Sorrow and Such Angela Slatter
* The Flowers That Bloom Where Blood Touches Earth Stephanie Gunn
Win Forfeit Andrea K. Höst
Nomination Burnt Sugar Kirstyn McDermott
Nomination By the Laws of Crab and Woman Jason Fischer
Nomination Finnegan's Field Angela Slatter
Nomination Raven's First Flight Alan Baxter
Nomination The Bonobo's Dream Rose Mulready
Win In Shadows We Fall Devin Madson
Nomination Braid Kirstyn McDermott
Nomination Humanity for Beginners Faith Mudge
Nomination Remnants Nathan Burrage
Nomination The Book Club Alan Baxter
Nomination The Cunning Woman's Daughter Kate Forsyth and Kim Wilkins
Win The Staff in the Stone Garth Nix
Nomination Beautiful Juliet Marillier
Nomination Merry Happy Valkyrie Tansy Rayner Roberts
Nomination The Dragon's Child Janeen Webb
Nomination The Dressmaker and the Colonel's Coat David Versace
Nomination This Side of the Wall Michael Gardner
Win 'Scapes Made Diamond Shauna O'Meara
Nomination Like Ripples on a Blank Shore J. S. Breukelaar
Nomination Out of Darkness Chris Mason
Nomination The Final Prologue Christopher Sequeira
Nomination The Orchard Ephiny Gale
Nomination To Hell and Back Michael Pryor
Win Dingo & Sister Nikky Lee
Nomination By Touch and By Glance Lisa L. Hannett
Nomination Generation Gap Thoraiya Dyer
Nomination Karkinos Nikky Lee
Nomination The Frost Fair Affair Tansy Rayner Roberts
Win Bones of the Sea Amy Laurens
published in the Sheep Might Fly podcast
Echo and Narcissus Tansy Rayner Roberts
Nomination Mother in Bloom Alan Baxter
Nomination The Little One Rebecca Fraser
Nomination The Scarab Children of Montague Suzanne J. Willis
Nomination Among the Faded Woods Faith Mudge
Nomination Hovering Dorothy-Jane Daniels
Nomination Merry in Time Kathleen Jennings
Nomination The Bone Lantern Angela Slatter
Nomination The Ocean, the Lighthouse Keeper and the Sunset Lee Cope
Nomination Winterbloom Kirstyn McDermott
Win Gate Sinister Tansy Rayner Roberts
Nomination A Marked Man T. R. Napper
Nomination A Wicked Blade Tansy Rayner Roberts
Nomination Hole World J. S. Breukelaar
Nomination The Leaves Forget Alan Baxter
Nomination The Wizard Must Be Stopped! Taylen Carver
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