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Award Category: 2011 Best Novelette (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2011. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 The Emperor of Mars Allen M. Steele
2 Eight Miles Sean McMullen
3 Plus or Minus James Patrick Kelly
4 That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made Eric James Stone
5 The Jaguar House, in Shadow Aliette de Bodard
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* A Jar of Goodwill Tobias S. Buckell
* Amor Vincit Omnia K. J. Parker
* Anne-Droid of Green Gables Lezli Robyn
* Flying in the Face of God Nina Allan
* Helping Them Take the Old Man Down William Preston
* In the Stacks Scott Lynch
* Map of Seventeen Christopher Barzak
* Pupa David D. Levine
* Seven Years from Home Naomi Novik
* Sleepover Alastair Reynolds
* Stone Wall Truth Caroline M. Yoachim
* The Cage A. M. Dellamonica
* The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn Diana Peterfreund
* The Fool Jobs Joe Abercrombie
* The Mad Scientist's Daughter Theodora Goss
* The Naturalist Maureen F. McHugh
* The Precedent Sean McMullen
* The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains Neil Gaiman
* Torhec the Sculptor Tanith Lee
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