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Award Category: 2015 Best Novelette (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2015. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 The Day the World Turned Upside Down Thomas Olde Heuvelt
2 No Award
3 The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale Rajnar Vajra
4 Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Alluvium Gray Rinehart
5 The Journeyman: In the Stone House Michael F. Flynn
6 Championship B'tok Edward M. Lerner
--- Withdrawn -- Official Publication in a Previous Year -------
* Yes Virginia There Is a Santa Claus John C. Wright
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai'i Alaya Dawn Johnson
* A Year and a Day in Old Theradane Scott Lynch
* Each to Each Seanan McGuire
* Spring Festival: Happiness, Anger, Love, Sorrow, Joy (translation of
2044年春节旧事?2044 nián chūnjié jiùshì
2044 nian chunjie jiushi
Xia Jia
* The Bonedrake's Penance Yoon Ha Lee
* The Devil in America Kai Ashante Wilson
* The Husband Stitch Carmen Maria Machado
* The Litany of Earth Ruthanna Emrys
* The Magician and Laplace's Demon Tom Crosshill
* We Are the Cloud Sam J. Miller
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