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Award Category: 2014 Best Novella (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2014. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 Equoid Charles Stross
2 Six-Gun Snow White Catherynne M. Valente
3 Wakulla Springs Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages
4 The Chaplain's Legacy Brad R. Torgersen
5 The Butcher of Khardov Dan Wells
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* Burning Girls Veronica Schanoes
* Hook Agonistes Jay Lake and Seanan McGuire
* How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea Mira Grant
* Iseul's Lexicon Yoon Ha Lee
* Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden Wen Spencer
* Precious Mental Robert Reed
* Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell Brandon Sanderson
* Spin Nina Allan
* The Princess and the Queen, or, The Blacks and the Greens George R. R. Martin
* The Weight of the Sunrise Vylar Kaftan
* We Both Go Down Together Seanan McGuire
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