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Award Category: 1979 Best Anthology (Locus Poll Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 1979. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7 Terry Carr
2 The 1978 Annual World's Best SF Arthur W. Saha and Donald A. Wollheim
3 Universe 8 Terry Carr
4 New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 8 Robert Silverberg
5 Stellar #4: Science-Fiction Stories Judy-Lynn del Rey
6 The Year's Finest Fantasy Terry Carr
7 Chrysalis, Volume 2 Roy Torgeson
8 Orbit 20 Damon Knight
9 Anticipations Christopher Priest
10 Swords Against Darkness III Andrew J. Offutt
11 Immortals Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois
12 Millennial Women Virginia Kidd
13 Shadows Charles L. Grant
14 Nebula Winners Twelve Gordon R. Dickson
15 Alpha 9 Robert Silverberg
16 The Best of Analog Ben Bova
17 Study War No More Joe Haldeman
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