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Award Category: 1984 Best SF Novel (Locus Poll Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 1984. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 Startide Rising David Brin
2 The Robots of Dawn Isaac Asimov
3 Millennium John Varley
4 Helliconia Summer Brian W. Aldiss
5 The Void Captain's Tale Norman Spinrad
6 Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern Anne McCaffrey
7 Thendara House Marion Zimmer Bradley
8 Against Infinity Gregory Benford
9 Orion Shall Rise Poul Anderson
10 The Nonborn King Julian May
11 Superluminal Vonda N. McIntyre
12 Welcome, Chaos Kate Wilhelm
13 The Crucible of Time John Brunner
14 Worlds Apart Joe Haldeman
15 Valentine Pontifex Robert Silverberg
16 Gods of Riverworld
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
17 The Citadel of the Autarch Gene Wolfe
18 Forty Thousand in Gehenna C. J. Cherryh
19 A Matter for Men David Gerrold
20 The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica John Calvin Batchelor
21 Wall Around a Star Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
22 Golden Witchbreed Mary Gentle
23 Broken Symmetries Paul Preuss
24 Roderick at Random John Sladek
25 There Is No Darkness Jack C. Haldeman, II and Joe Haldeman
26 Code of the Lifemaker James P. Hogan
27 Tik-Tok John Sladek
28 Transformer M. A. Foster
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