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Award Category: 1997 Best Short Science Fiction (Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 1997. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 The Flowers of Aulit Prison Nancy Kress
2 Age of Aquarius William Barton
3 The Weighing of Ayre Gregory Feeley
--- Finalists -------
* Beauty and the Opéra or The Phantom Beast Suzy McKee Charnas
* Dradin, in Love Jeff VanderMeer
* Erase/Record/Play: A Drama for Print John M. Ford
* Gone John Crowley
* Marigold Outlet Nancy Kress
* Radio Waves Michael Swanwick
* The Elizabeth Complex Karen Joy Fowler
* Thirteen Phantasms James P. Blaylock
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