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1969 Hugo Award

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Award Years for Hugo Award

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1960's: 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
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Best Novel
1 Stand on Zanzibar John Brunner
2 Rite of Passage Alexei Panshin
--- Finalists -------
* Nova Samuel R. Delany
* Past Master R. A. Lafferty
* The Goblin Reservation Clifford D. Simak
Best Novella
1 Nightwings Robert Silverberg
2 Dragonrider Anne McCaffrey
--- Finalists -------
* Hawk Among the Sparrows Dean McLaughlin
* Lines of Power Samuel R. Delany
Best Novelette
1 The Sharing of Flesh Poul Anderson
2 Total Environment Brian W. Aldiss
3 Getting Through University Piers Anthony
--- Finalists -------
* Mother to the World Richard Wilson
Best Short Story
1 The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (variant of The Beast That Shouted Love) Harlan Ellison
2 All the Myriad Ways Larry Niven
3 The Dance of the Changer and the Three Terry Carr
--- Finalists -------
* Masks Damon Knight
* The Steiger Effect Betsy Curtis
Best Dramatic Presentation
1 2001: A Space Odyssey (IMDB) Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick
--- Finalists -------
* Charly (IMDB) Daniel Keyes and Stirling Silliphant
* Rosemary's Baby (IMDB) Ira Levin and Roman Polanski
* The Prisoner: Fallout (IMDB) Patrick McGoohan
* Yellow Submarine (IMDB) Al Brodax and Jack Mendelsohn and Lee Minoff and Erich Segal
Best Professional Magazine
1 The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction - 1968 Edward L. Ferman
2 Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact - 1968 John W. Campbell
3 Galaxy Magazine - 1968 Frederik Pohl
--- Finalists -------
* If - 1968 Frederik Pohl
* New Worlds - 1968 Michael Moorcock and James Sallis
Best Professional Artist
1 ---- Jack Gaughan
2 ---- Frank Kelly Freas
3 ---- Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
--- Finalists -------
* ----
Vaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bode
Best Amateur Magazine
1 Science Fiction Review - 1968 Richard E. Geis
2 Riverside Quarterly - Volume 3, 1967-1969 Leland Sapiro
3 Trumpet - 1968 Alex Eisenstein and Al Jackson and Tom Reamy
--- Finalists -------
* Shangri L'Affaires - 1968 Ken Rudolph
* Warhoon Richard Bergeron
Best Fan Writer
1 ---- Harry Warner, Jr.
--- Withdrawn -- Nomination Declined -------
* ---- Ted White
--- Finalists -------
* ---- Richard Delap
* ---- Banks Mebane
* ---- Walt Willis
Best Fan Artist
1 ----
Vaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bode
2 ---- George Barr
3 ---- William Rotsler
--- Finalists -------
* ---- Tim Kirk
* ---- Doug Lovenstein
Special Awards
1 The Best Moon Landing Ever Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins (astronaut) and Buzz Aldrin

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