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1972 Locus Poll Award

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Award Years for Locus Poll Award

1970's:  -  1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980's: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  -   -   -   -   - 
Best SF Novel
1 The Lathe of Heaven Ursula K. Le Guin
2 To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
3 A Time of Changes Robert Silverberg
4 Jack of Shadows Roger Zelazny
5 Dragonquest Anne McCaffrey
6 The World Inside Robert Silverberg
7 The Devil Is Dead R. A. Lafferty
8 The Fabulous Riverboat
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
9 Son of Man Robert Silverberg
10 The Second Trip Robert Silverberg
11 The World Menders Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
12 The Byworlder Poul Anderson
13 Furthest Suzette Haden Elgin
14 Arrive at Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine R. A. Lafferty
15 The Forest of Forever Thomas Burnett Swann
Best Short Fiction
1 The Queen of Air and Darkness Poul Anderson
2 A Meeting with Medusa Arthur C. Clarke
2 All the Last Wars at Once George Alec Effinger
4 Wheels Robert Thurston
5 The Autumn Land Clifford D. Simak
6 Mount Charity Edgar Pangborn
7 The Bear with the Knot on His Tail Stephen Tall
8 World Abounding R. A. Lafferty
9 Inconstant Moon Larry Niven
10 Dread Empire John Brunner
11 A Special Kind of Morning Gardner Dozois
12 The Human Operators Harlan Ellison and A. E. van Vogt
13 In Entropy's Jaws Robert Silverberg
14 Vaster Than Empires and More Slow Ursula K. Le Guin
15 All the Way Up, All the Way Down Robert Silverberg
Best Magazine
1 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Edward L. Ferman
2 Amazing Science Fiction Stories Ted White
3 Analog Science Fiction and Fact Ben Bova
4 Fantastic Ted White
5 Galaxy Ejler Jakobsson
6 If Ejler Jakobsson
Best Book Publisher
1 ---- Ballantine
2 ---- Ace
3 ---- Doubleday
4 ---- Berkley
5 ---- Putnam
6 ---- Signet (NAL)
7 ---- Avon
8 ---- Walker
9 ---- Lancer
10 ---- Bantam
11 ---- Scribners
12 ---- Beagle
13 ---- Arkham House
14 ---- Sphere
15 ---- Mirage Press
Best Convention (old)
1 Noreascon Unknown
2 Disclave Unknown
3 Westercon Unknown
4 PgHlange Unknown
5 Boskone Unknown
6 Philcon Unknown
7 MidWestCon Unknown
8 Lunacon Unknown
Best Fan Artist (old)
1 ---- William Rotsler
2 ---- Tim Kirk
3 ---- Alicia Austin
4 ---- Grant Canfield
5 ---- George Barr
The listed form of the name was ''Arthur "ATom" Thomson''.
---- ATom
7 ---- Stephen Fabian
8 ---- James Shull
9 ---- Steve Stiles
10 ---- Mike Gilbert
11 ---- Jim McLeod
12 ---- Dany Frolich
13 ---- Vincent Di Fate
14 ---- Jack Gaughan
15 ---- Jay Kinney
Best Fan Writer (old)
1 ---- Charles N. Brown
2 ---- Richard E. Geis
3 ---- Terry Carr
3 ---- Ted Pauls
3 ---- Harry Warner, Jr.
6 ---- Rosemary Ullyot
7 ---- Bruce Gillespie
8 ---- Michael Glicksohn
9 ---- Paul Walker
10 ---- Sandra Miesel
10 ---- Ted White
12 ---- Arnie Katz
13 ---- Fred Patten
14 ---- Dena Brown
15 ---- Joyce Katz
16 ---- Susan Wood Glicksohn
Best Fanzine (old)
1 Locus - 1971 Charlie Brown and Dena Brown
2 Energumen Michael Glicksohn and Susan Wood Glicksohn
3 Science Fiction Review Richard E. Geis
4 Granfalloon Ron Bushyager and Linda Bushyager
5 SF Commentary Bruce Gillespie
6 Outworlds Bill Bowers
7 Yandro Robert Coulson and Juanita Coulson
8 Speculation Peter R. Weston
9 Focal Point Unknown-Mags
10 Potlatch Unknown-Mags
11 Luna Unknown-Mags
12 Riverside Quarterly Leland Sapiro
13 Starling Hank Lutrell and Lesleigh Lutrell
14 Tomorrow and... Unknown-Mags
15 Phantasmicom Unknown-Mags
16 Algol Andrew I. Porter
Best Magazine Artist (old)
1 ---- Frank Kelly Freas
2 ---- Jack Gaughan
3 ---- John Schoenherr
4 ---- Jeff Jones
5 ---- Vincent Di Fate
6 ---- Mike Kaluta
7 ----
Vaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bode
8 ---- Mike Hinge
9 ---- Ron Walotsky
10 ---- Mel Hunter
11 ---- Chesley Bonestell
11 ---- Gahan Wilson
Best Original Anthology (old)
1 Universe 1 Terry Carr
2 New Dimensions 1 Robert Silverberg
3 Clarion Robin Scott Wilson
4 Infinity Two Robert Hoskins
5 Protostars David Gerrold and Stephen Goldin
6 Orbit 9 Damon Knight
7 New Worlds Quarterly 1 Michael Moorcock
8 Quark/4 Samuel R. Delany and Marilyn Hacker
9 Orbit 8 Damon Knight
10 New Worlds Quarterly 2 Michael Moorcock
10 Quark/3 Samuel R. Delany and Marilyn Hacker
12 Quark/2 Samuel R. Delany and Marilyn Hacker
Best Paperback Artist (old)
1 ---- Gene Szafran
2 ---- Jeff Jones
3 ---- Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
4 ---- Frank Kelly Freas
5 ---- Robert Pepper
6 ---- Dean Ellis
7 ---- Gervasio Gallardo
8 ---- Frank Frazetta
9 ---- Jack Gaughan
10 ---- Vincent Di Fate
11 ---- Paul Lehr
12 ---- Alicia Austin
13 ---- Richard Powers
14 ---- George Barr
15 ---- David M. Johnston
Best Reprint Anthology/Collection (old)
1 World's Best Science Fiction: 1971 Terry Carr and Donald A. Wollheim
2 The Hugo Winners, Volume Two Isaac Asimov
3 Driftglass Samuel R. Delany
4 Sturgeon Is Alive and Well ... Theodore Sturgeon
5 New Worlds of Fantasy #3 Terry Carr
6 Alpha Two Robert Silverberg
7 Partners in Wonder Harlan Ellison
8 All the Myriad Ways Larry Niven
9 Down in the Black Gang and Other Stories
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
10 The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One Robert Silverberg
11 Moderan David R. Bunch
12 The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Nineteenth Series Edward L. Ferman
13 Moonferns and Starsongs Robert Silverberg
14 Fun with Your New Head (variant of Under Compulsion) Thomas M. Disch
14 The Ruins of Earth Thomas M. Disch
16 Best SF: 1970 Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison

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