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1990 Asimov's Readers' Poll

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Award Years for Asimov's Readers' Poll

1980's:  -   -   -   -   -   -   -  1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023  -   -   -   -   -   - 
Best Novella
1 A Touch of Lavender Megan Lindholm
2 Pageant Wagon Orson Scott Card
3 Tiny Tango Judith Moffett
4 The True Nature of Shangri-La Kim Stanley Robinson
5 The Father of Stones Lucius Shepard
6 Red Planet Blues Allen M. Steele
7 The Egg Steven Popkes
8 Time Out Connie Willis
9 In Another Country Robert Silverberg
10 Destroyer of Worlds Charles Sheffield
Best Novelette
1 The Loch Moose Monster Janet Kagan
2 The Return of the Kangaroo Rex Janet Kagan
3 Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another Robert Silverberg
4 Dogwalker Orson Scott Card
5 The Price of Oranges Nancy Kress
6 Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man Megan Lindholm
7 Surrender Lucius Shepard
8 Not Without Honor Judith Moffett
9 Fast Cars Kristine Kathryn Rusch
10 Ride to Live, Live to Ride Allen Steele
Best Short Story
1 Windwagon Smith and the Martians Lawrence Watt-Evans
2 Dilemma Connie Willis
3 Zelle's Thursday Tanith Lee
4 Boobs Suzy McKee Charnas
5 Computer Friendly Eileen Gunn
6 The Color of Grass, the Color of Blood R. V. Branham
7 The Dragon Line Michael Swanwick
8 The Few, the Proud Harlan Ellison
9 The Goat Man Peni R. Griffin
10 Iridescence Dean Whitlock
Best Poem
1 Old Robots Are the Worst Bruce Boston
2 When I See Rigel's Light Sleeting Through the Side of Heinlein Station Lawrence Watt-Evans
3 The Curse of the Sasquatch's Wife Bruce Boston
3 Three Evocations of the Mutant Rain Forest Bruce Boston
3 Toads Jane Yolen
4 First Contact Roger Dutcher
5 Afterlife James Patrick Kelly
6 The Curse of the Ghost's Wife Bruce Boston
7 Balances Scales Jack C. Haldeman II
8 Galileo's Blindness Mary A. Turzillo
9 Life as Candyland Scott Edelman
10 Turning into Animals James Patrick Kelly
Best Cover Artist
1 ---- Keith Parkinson
2 ---- A. C. Farley
3 ---- Nicholas Jainschigg
4 ---- Hisaki Yasuda
5 ---- Michael Whelan
6 ---- Gary Freeman
7 ---- Bob Walters
8 ---- Christos Achilleos
9 ---- Wayne Barlowe
10 ---- Alan Gutierrez
Best Interior Artist
1 ---- Janet Aulisio
2 ---- Gary Freeman
3 ---- Laura Lakey
4 ---- Nicholas Jainschigg
5 ---- Bob Walters
6 ---- A. C. Farley
7 ---- Hisaki Yasuda
8 ---- Hank Jankus
9 ---- George Thompson
10 ---- Terry Lee

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