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2008 Asimov's Readers' Poll

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Award Years for Asimov's Readers' Poll

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Best Novella
1 Recovering Apollo 8 Kristine Kathryn Rusch
2 Fountain of Age Nancy Kress
3 All Seated on the Ground Connie Willis
4 Dead Money Lucius Shepard
5 Alien Archaeology Neal Asher
Best Novelette
1 Dark Integers Greg Egan
2 Safeguard Nancy Kress
3 The Prophet of Flores Ted Kosmatka
4 Trunk and Disorderly Charles Stross
5 The Mists of Time Tom Purdom
Best Short Story
1 Tideline Elizabeth Bear
2 How Music Begins James Van Pelt
3 Distant Replay Mike Resnick
4 Strangers on a Bus Jack Skillingstead
5 The Rules Nancy Kress
Best Poem
1 The Dimensional Rush of Relative Primes Bruce Boston
2 The Wings of Icarus John Morressy
3 Rainstorm Debbie Ouellet
4 Cendrillon at Sunrise Jo Walton
5 Classics of Fantasy: "A Christmas Carol" Jack O'Brien
Best Cover Art
1 Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2007 Donato Giancola
2 Asimov's Science Fiction, January 2007 (variant of L'Echelle) Michael Whelan
3 Asimov's Science Fiction, June 2007 John Allemand
4 Asimov's Science Fiction, September 2007 Dan O'Driscoll
5 Asimov's Science Fiction, December 2007 Michael Carroll

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