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2014 Retro Hugo Award

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Award Years for Retro Hugo Award

1990's:  -   -   -   -   -   -  1996  -   -   - 
2000's:  -  2001  -   -  2004  -   -   -   -   - 
2010's:  -   -   -   -  2014  -  2016  -  2018 2019
2020's: 2020  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   - 
Best Novel
1 The Sword in the Stone T. H. White
2 Out of the Silent Planet C. S. Lewis
3 Galactic Patrol Edward E. Smith
4 The Legion of Time Jack Williamson
5 Carson of Venus Edgar Rice Burroughs
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* At Midnight on the 31st of March Josephine Young Case
* Synthetic Men of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs
Nominations also appeared under the alternate title The Red Star of Tarzan
Tarzan and the Forbidden City Edgar Rice Burroughs
* The Doomsday Men J. B. Priestley
* The Drums of Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer
* The Silver Princess in Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson
* Towers in the Mist Elizabeth Goudge
Best Novella
1 Who Goes There? John W. Campbell, Jr.
2 The Time Trap Henry Kuttner
3 Sleepers of Mars John Wyndham
4 A Matter of Form H. L. Gold
5 Anthem Ayn Rand
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* Black Vulmea's Vengeance Robert E. Howard
* Dreadful Sleep Jack Williamson
Nomination was for "Tarzan and the Elephant Men", which is part of the serialization of this novel.
Tarzan the Magnificent Edgar Rice Burroughs
* The Black Drama Manly Wade Wellman
* The Hairy Ones Shall Dance Manly Wade Wellman
Best Novelette
1 Rule 18 Clifford D. Simak
2 Pigeons from Hell Robert E. Howard
3 Werewoman C. L. Moore
4 Hollywood on the Moon Henry Kuttner
5 Dead Knowledge John W. Campbell, Jr.
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* Beyond the Screen (variant of Judson's Annihilator) John Beynon
* Reunion on Ganymede Clifford D. Simak
* Secret of the Observatory Robert Bloch
* Seeds of the Dusk Raymond Z. Gallun
* The Dead Spot Jack Williamson
* The Men and the Mirror Ross Rocklynne
* The World's Eighth Wonder Eric Frank Russell
Best Short Story
1 How We Went to Mars Arthur C. Clarke
2 Helen O'Loy Lester del Rey
3 "Hollerbochen's Dilemma" Ray Bradbury
4 Hyperpelosity L. Sprague de Camp
5 The Faithful Lester del Rey
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* An Experiment of the Dead Helen Simpson (1897-1940)
* Between Two Worlds Mary Lutyens
* Janice Shirley Jackson
* Robots Return Robert Moore Williams
* The Book H. P. Lovecraft
* The Brain Pirates John W. Campbell
* The Merman L. Sprague de Camp
* With and Without Buttons Mary Butts
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
1 The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells Howard Koch and Anne Froelick
2 R. U. R. (IMDB)
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek
Karel Chapek
3 Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne Orson Welles
4 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Orson Welles
5 Dracula by Bram Stoker Orson Welles and John Houseman
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* Brave Little Tailor (IMDB) Walt Disney
* Mother Goose Goes to Hollywood (IMDB) Dick Richard and Wilfred Jackson
* Porky in Wackyland (IMDB) Robert Clampett
* The Man Who Was Thursday Orson Welles
Best Editor, Short Form
1 ---- John W. Campbell, Jr.
2 ---- Farnsworth Wright
3 ---- Raymond A. Palmer
4 ---- Mort Weisinger
5 ---- Walter H. Gillings
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* ---- T. O'Conor Sloane
Best Professional Artist
1 ---- Virgil Finlay
2 ---- Margaret Brundage
3 ---- Frank R. Paul
4 ---- Alex Schomburg
5 ---- H. W. Wesso
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* ---- Howard V. Brown
* ---- Leo Morey
* ---- Norman Saunders
* ---- Charles Schneeman
Best Fanzine
1 Imagination! - 1938 Forrest J. Ackerman
2 Novae Terrae Maurice K. Hanson
3 Tomorrow Douglas W. F. Mayer
4 Fantascience Digest Robert A. Madle
5 Fantasy News James V. Taurasi
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* Science Fiction Newsletter
Best Fan Writer
1 ---- Ray Bradbury
2 ---- Forrest J. Ackerman
3 ---- Wilson Tucker
4 ---- Donald A. Wollheim
5 ---- Harry Warner, Jr.
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* ---- Sam Moskowitz
* ---- William F. Temple
* ---- Robert A. Madle

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