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2014 British Fantasy Award

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Award Years for British Fantasy Award

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August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel
Win The Shining Girls Lauren Beukes
Nomination House of Small Shadows Adam Nevill
Nomination Mayhem Sarah Pinborough
Nomination NOS4A2 Joe Hill
Nomination Path of Needles Alison Littlewood
Nomination The Year of the Ladybird Graham Joyce
Robert Holdstock Award for Best Fantasy Novel
Win A Stranger in Olondria Sofia Samatar
Nomination Between Two Thorns Emma Newman
Nomination Rebellion Lou Morgan
Nomination The Glass Republic Tom Pollock
Nomination The Ocean at the End of the Lane Neil Gaiman
Best Novella
Win Beauty Sarah Pinborough
Nomination Dogs with Their Eyes Shut Paul Meloy
Nomination Spin Nina Allan
Nomination Vivian Guppy and the Brighton Belle Nina Allan
Nomination Whitstable Stephen Volk
Best Short Story
Win Signs of the Times Carole Johnstone
Nomination Chalk Pat Cadigan
Nomination Death Walks En Pointe Thana Niveau
Nomination Family Business Adrian Tchaikovsky
Nomination Golden Apple Sophia McDougall
Nomination Moonstruck Karin Tidbeck
Nomination The Fox Conrad Williams
Best Collection
Win Monsters in the Heart Stephen Volk
Nomination For Those Who Dream Monsters Anna Taborska
Nomination Holes for Faces Ramsey Campbell
Nomination North American Lake Monsters: Stories Nathan Ballingrud
Best Anthology
Win End of the Road Jonathan Oliver
Nomination Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome Stephen Jones
Nomination Rustblind and Silverbright David Rix
Nomination Tales of Eve Mhairi Simpson
Nomination The Tenth Black Book of Horror Charles Black
Best Non-Fiction
Win Speculative Fiction 2012 Justin Landon and Jared Shurin
Nomination Fantasy Faction Marc Aplin
Nomination Gestalt Real-Time Reviews D. F. Lewis
Nomination We Have Always Fought: Challenging the Women, Cattle and Slaves Narrative Kameron Hurley
Best Artist
Win ---- Joey Hi-Fi
Nomination ---- Vincent Chong
Nomination ---- Tula Lotay
Nomination ---- Daniele Serra
Nomination ---- Ben Baldwin
Nomination ---- Adam Oehlers
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Win Demeter Becky Cloonan
Nomination Jennifer Wilde Maura McHugh and Karen Mahoney and Stephen Downey
Nomination Porcelain Benjamin Read and Chris Wildgoose
Nomination Rachel Rising Terry Moore
Nomination Saga Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Nomination The Unwritten Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Best Film/Television Production
Win Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (IMDB) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
Nomination Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (IMDB) Steven Moffat
Nomination Gravity (IMDB) Alfonso Cuarón and Jonás Cuarón
Nomination Iron Man 3 (IMDB) Drew Pearce and Shane Black
Nomination The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (IMDB) Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens and Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro
Best Magazine/Periodical
Win Clarkesworld Magazine - 2013 Neil Clarke
Nomination Black Static - 2013 Andy Cox
Nomination Interzone - 2013 Andy Cox
Nomination Shadows & Tall Trees - 2013 Michael Kelly
Best Small Press
Win The Alchemy Press Peter Coleborn
Nomination Fox Spirit Books Adele Wearing
Nomination NewCon Press Ian Whates
Nomination Spectral Press Simon Marshall-Jones
The Karl Edward Wagner Award
Win ---- Farah Mendlesohn
The Sydney J. Bounds Award for Best Newcomer
Win Ancillary Justice Ann Leckie
Nomination Between Two Thorns Emma Newman
Nomination Fade to Black Francis Knight
Nomination Pantomime Laura Lam
Nomination The Bone Season Samantha Shannon
Nomination The Eidolon Libby McGugan

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