- Author: Dale Knickerbocker Author Record # 153786
- Language: English
- Email: knickerbockerd@ecu.edu
- Webpages: ecu.edu, Facebook
Other views: | Summary Awards Alphabetical |
- Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around the World (2018)
- Spain Is Different?: Historical Memory and the 'Two Spains' in Turn-of-the-Millennium Spanish Apocalyptic Fictions (2021)
- When Books Are for the Birds: Late Capitalism and Barbarity in Juan José Millás's The Alphabetical Order (2003)
- Science, Religion, and Indeterminacy in Juan Miguel Aguilera's La locura de Dios (The Folly of God) (2008)
- Historia y aporía en Laberinto (As time goes by) de Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz [Spanish] (2009)
- Apocalypse, Utopia, and Dystopia: Old Paradigms Meet a New Millennium (2010)
- Review of the play "Return to the Forbidden Planet", written by Bob Carlton, directed by John Shearin (2014)