- Author: Eugen Ștefan Lenghel?Eugen Stefan LenghelAuthor Record # 235077
Eugen Shtefan Lenghel - Legal Name: Lenghel, Eugen Ștefan?Lenghel, Eugen Stefan
Lenghel, Eugen Shtefan - Birthplace: Bucharest, Romania
- Birthdate: 10 January 1966
- Language: Romanian
- Webpages: Wikipedia-RO
- Used These Alternate Names: Eugen Lenghel
- Author Tags: science fiction (1), time travel (1)
Other views: | Summary Awards Alphabetical |
- Proximul cuantic (2017)
Insula de ceară?Insula de ceara(1990)
- 9 Istorii reutilizate (2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Numărătoare inversă?Numaratoare inversa(2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Cutia roșie?Cutia rosie(1989) [also as by Eugen Lenghel]
Insula de ceară?Insula de ceara(1990) [also as by Eugen Lenghel]
Primii pași, întâiul dans...?Primii pasi, intaiul dans...(1990) also appeared as:
Primii pashi, intaiul dans...-
Variant: Primii pași?Primii pasi(2014) [as by Eugen Lenghel]
Optimism de împrumut?Optimism de imprumut(2011) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- NOxigen 17.95 (2012) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
O lume magică?O lume magica(2012) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- Istorii reutilizate (2012) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- Exo, carte de bucate (2012) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- Fermierul Virtual (2013) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Rosenau, sânge de dimineață?Rosenau, sange de dimineata(2013) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Moș Timp?Mosh Timp(2013) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Mos Timp -
Ambasada roboților?Ambasada robotilor(2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- Breakpoint (2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
Dacă timpul ar curge?Daca timpul ar curge(2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- La orizont, mereu limita (2014) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- Final Frontier III, ce punem la cale (2013) [only as by Eugen Lenghel]
- As Always, Fan Expected: A Brief History of Romanian Fandom [English] (2017) with Laurian Cnobloch and Cornel Secu [only as by Laurian Cnobloch and Eugen Lenghel and Cornel Secu]