- Author: Arthur Schott Author Record # 273358
- Legal Name: Schott, Arthur Carl Victor
- Birthplace: Stuttgart, Kingdom of Württemberg
- Birthdate: 27 February 1814
- Deathdate: 26 July 1875
- Language: English
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
- Note: German-American artist, ethnographer, botanist, cartographer & geologist. Brother of Albert Schott, whose collection of Wallachian(Romanian) folktales he edited.
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Short Fiction
Das goldene meermädchen [German] (1845)
Albert Schott
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Golden Mermaid [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Mermaid [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
Der Teufel und sein Schüler [German] (1845)
Albert Schott
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Devil and His Pupil [English] (2017)