- Author: Cinda Williams Chima Author Record # 36214
- Birthplace: Springfield, Ohio, USA
- Birthdate: 1952
- Language: English
- Webpages: cindachima.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
Синда Уилямс Чайма?Sinda Uilyams Chayma
- Author Tags: young-adult fantasy (14), magic (1), teenagers (1), wizards (1), dueling (1), juvenile fantasy (1)
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The Warrior Heir (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Erfgenaam van het Zwaard [Dutch] (2011)
The Wizard Heir (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Erfgenaam van de Magiër [Dutch] (2011)
The Dragon Heir (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Erfgenaam van de Draak [Dutch] (2011)
The Demon King (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De demonenkoning [Dutch] (2009)
- Translation: Le roi démon [French] (2010)
Translation: Краля демон?Kralya demon[Bulgarian] (2016) [as byСинда Уилямс Чайма?Sinda Uilyams Chayma]
The Exiled Queen (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Koningin in Ballingschap [Dutch] (2010)
- Translation: La reine exilée [French] (2011)
Translation: Кралицата изгнаница?Kralitsata izgnanitsa[Bulgarian] (2020) [as byСинда Уилямс Чайма?Sinda Uilyams Chayma]
The Gray Wolf Throne (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Troon van de Grijze Wolf [Dutch] (2012)
- Translation: Le trône du loup gris [French] (2012)
Translation: Тронът на Сивия вълк?Tronat na Siviya valk[Bulgarian] (2021) [as byСинда Уилямс Чайма?Sinda Uilyams Chayma]
- Translation: Il trono del lupo grigio [Italian] (2024)
The Crimson Crown (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scharlakenrode Kroon [Dutch] (2012)
- The Enchanter Heir (2013)
- The Sorcerer Heir (2014)
- Flamecaster (2016)
- Shadowcaster (2017)
- Stormcaster (2018)
- Deathcaster (2019)
- Children of Ragnarok (2022)
- Bane of Asgard (2024)
- The Seven Realms Box Set (2013) [O/1-4]
- The Exiled Queen (excerpt) (2010)
- The Trader and the Slave (2010)
- Warrior Dreams (2013)