- Author: Anne Spudvilas Author Record # 103189
- Language: English
- Author Tags: juvenile horror (2), dystopia (1), juvenile sf (1), picture books for older readers (1), sf picture book (1)
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- Woolvs in the Sitee (2006) with Margaret Wild
- The Gathering (1993) with AusChromes and Ann Wojczuk
- Face at the Window (1994)
- A Kind of Dreaming (1995)
- The Red Shoes (1996)
- Gilbert's Ghost Train (1997)
- The Goddess (1998)
- The Millstone (1999)
- Woolvs in the Sitee (2006)
- Night School (2010)
- Face at the Window (1994)
- A Kind of Dreaming (1995)
- The Red Shoes (1996)
- The Goddess (1998)
- The Millstone (1999)
- Woolvs in the Sitee (2006)
- Night School (2010)