- Author: Brian Attebery Author Record # 10790
- Legal Name: Attebery, Brian Leonard
- Birthplace: USA
- Birthdate: 8 December 1951
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Brian Attebury
- Note: Middle name from Locus1.
- Author Tags: criticism (2)
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Magazine Editor Series Anthologies
- The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1993) with Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to Le Guin (1980)
- Strategies of Fantasy (1992)
- The Norton Book of Science Fiction: Teacher's Guide (1993)
- Decoding Gender in Science Fiction (2002)
- Parabolas of Science Fiction (2013) with Veronica Hollinger
- Stories about Stories: Fantasy & the Remaking of Myth (2014)
Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene: Imagining Futures and Dreaming Hope in Literature and Media (2022)
Tereza Dědinová?Tereza Dedinovaand Marek Oziewicz
- Fantasy: How It Works (2022)
- Fairest (2006)
- The Bugle Review
- The Bugle Review (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 2018) (2018) with Joe Bongiorno and Ryan Bunch and Angelica Carpenter
- On a Far Shore: The Myth of Earthsea (1980)
- Fantasy as an Anti-Utopian Mode (1986)
- Women's Coming of Age in Fantasy (1987)
- Science Fantasy and Myth (1987)
- Tolkien, Crowley, and Postmodernism (1990)
- Fantasy and the Narrative Transaction (1992)
- Godmaking in the Heartland: The Backgrounds of Orson Scott Card's American Fantasy (1992)
- Response to John Kessel's "The Brother from Another Planet" (1993)
- Letter (NYRSF, May 1993) (1993)
- Review: Peake Studies by G. Peter Wilnnington (1994)
- The 1995 James Tiptree, Jr Memorial Award Shortlist (1995) with Ellen Kushner and Pat Murphy and Susanna J. Sturgis and Lucy Sussex
- The Politics (If Any) of Fantasy (1995)
- The Closing of the Final Frontier: Science Fiction After 1960 (1995)
- Androgyny and Difference in Science Fiction (1997)
- Science Fiction and the Gender of Knowledge (2000)
- Myth and History: Molly Gloss's Wild Life and Alan Garner's Strandloper (2001)
- "But Aren't Those Just... You Know, Metaphors?": Postmodern Figuration in the Science Fiction of James Morrow and Gwyneth Jones (2002)
- The Magazine Era: 1926-1960 (2003)
- Science Fiction, Parables, and Parabolas (2005)
- High Church versus Broad Church: Christian Myth in George MacDonald and C. S. Lewis (2005)
- The Conquest of Gernsback: Leslie F. Stone and the Subversion of Science Fiction Troupes (2006)
- Special Section (Extrapolation, Spring 2009) (2009)
- C. L. Moore (1911-87) (2009)
- The Nobies' Story (2010)
- Parabolas of Science Fiction (2013) with Veronica Hollinger
- Science Fiction Parabolas: Jazz, Geometry, and Generation Starships (2013)
- The Fantastic (2014)
- Chronology (The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena / Stories and Songs) (2016)
- Notes (The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena / Stories and Songs) (2016)
- Introduction: Messages from an Alternate Reality (2020)
- Forms of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Third International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film (1986) by Jan Hokenson and Howard Pearce [only as by Brian Attebury]
- Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale Poetry (1987) by Wolfgang Mieder
- Ray Bradbury (1987) by David Mogen
- Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion, and Paradigm (1987) by Ruth B. Bottigheimer
- Alan Garner's Book of British Fairy Tales (1987) by Alan Garner
- The Story of the Stone (1988) by Barry Hughart
- Contours of the Fantastic (1991) by Michele K. Langford
- The Gnostic Pynchon (1991) by Dwight Eddins
- The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard Science Fiction (1994) by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer
- Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century - An Anthology, Revised and Expanded Edition (1995) by H. Bruce Franklin
- The Sight (2004) by David Clement-Davies
- Fantasy Fiction: An Introduction (2006) by Lucie Armitt
- So Long Been Dreaming (2006) by Nalo Hopkinson and Uppinder Mehan
- The Arthur C. Clarke Award: A Critical Anthology (2007) by Paul Kincaid and Andrew M. Butler
- Friends of Dorothy: Why Gay Boys and Gay Men Love The Wizard of Oz (2018) by Dee Michel