- Author: I. O. Evans Author Record # 10928
- Legal Name: Evans, Idrisyn Oliver
- Birthplace: Bloemfontein, Orange Free State
- Birthdate: 11 November 1894
- Deathdate: 13 February 1977
- Language: English
- Webpages: julesverne.ca, SFE, verniana.org
- Note: Editor and translator of The Fitzroy Edition of Jules Verne.
- Author Tags: science fiction (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Novels Anthologies Nonfiction
- Jules Verne and His Work (1965)
- The Kraken (1944)
- The Flinties (1957)
- Introduction (Black Diamonds) (1961)
- Mechanisation (1976)
- Splashdown on February 18th, 1975 (1976)
- Space Exploration (1977)
- Letter (Weird Tales, October 1937): Cornish Scenery (1937)
- Can We Conquer Space? (1938)
- Letter (Weird Tales, February 1939): Concise Comments (1939)
- Letter (Weird Tales, November 1939): General Julius Caesar (1939)
- Can We Conquer Time? (1940)
- Introduction (Jules Verne, Master of Science Fiction) (1956)
- Introduction (The Begum's Fortune) (1958)
- Introduction (Dropped from the Clouds) (1959)
- Editorial Postscript (The Wilderness of Ice) (1961)
- Introduction (Journey to the Centre of the Earth) (1961)
- Introduction (Propeller Island) (1961)
- Introduction (The Wilderness of Ice) (1961)
- Introduction (For the Flag) (1961)
- Introduction (Flood and Flame) (1962)
- Editorial Postscript (Burbank the Northerner) (1963)
- Introduction (Burbank the Northerner) (1963)
- Introduction (Texar the Southerner) (1963)
- Introduction (Dr Ox and Other Stories) (1964)
- Introduction (Five Weeks in a Balloon) (1964)
- Introduction (Yesterday and Tomorrow) (1965)
- Introduction (Science Fiction Through the Ages 1) (1966)
- Introduction (Science Fiction Through the Ages 2) (1966)
- Suggestions for Further Reading (1966)
- Editorial Appendix (The Hunt for the Meteor) (1968)
- Introduction (Carpathian Castle) (1968)
- Introduction (Into the Niger Bend) (1968)
- Introduction (The City in the Sahara) (1968)
- Introduction (The Hunt for the Meteor) (1968)
- Introduction (The Scarlet Plague and Before Adam) (1968)
- Introduction (The Village in the Treetops) (1968)
- Introduction (For the Flag) (1969)
- Letter (SF Writer's Bulletin #7) (1971)
- Science Fiction and Style (1971)
- Introduction (The Demon of Cawnpore) (unknown)
- Introduction (Tigers and Traitors) (unknown)
- The Flying Saucer (1948) by Bernard Newman
Non-Genre Titles
- Discovering the Heavens (1958)