- Author: Douglas Menville Author Record # 10968
- Legal Name: Menville, Douglas Alver
- Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
- Birthdate: 16 August 1935
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE
- Used These Alternate Names: Doug Menville
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Under Egypt (2007) with Rae Odell
- King Solomon's Children: Some Parodies of H. Rider Haggard (1978) [O] with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- They: Three Parodies of H. Rider Haggard's She (1978) [O] with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Worlds of Never: Three Fantastic Novels (1978) [O] with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Forgotten Fantasy
- Forgotten Fantasy - 1970 (1970) with Robert Reginald
- Forgotten Fantasy - 1971 (1971) with Robert Reginald
- Ancestral Voices: An Anthology of Early Science Fiction (1975) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Ancient Hauntings (1976) with Robert Reginald [also as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Phantasmagoria (1976) with Robert Reginald [also as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- R.I.P.: Five Stories of the Supernatural (1976) with Robert Reginald [also as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- The Spectre Bridegroom and Other Horrors (1976) with Robert Reginald [also as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Dreamers of Dreams: An Anthology of Fantasy (1978) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Forgotten Fantasy: Issue #2, December 1970 (2007) with Robert Reginald
- Forgotten Fantasy: Issue #4, April 1971 (2008) with Robert Reginald
- Forgotten Fantasy: Issue #5, June 1971 (2008) with Robert Reginald
- Forgotten Fantasy: Issue #1, October 1970 (2009) with Robert Reginald
- Forgotten Fantasy: Issue #3, February 1971 (2009) with Robert Reginald
- A Historical and Critical Survey of the Science-Fiction Film (1975)
- Science Fiction: 62 Books (1975) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Supernatural & Occult Fiction: 63 Books (1976) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Things to Come: An Illustrated History of the Science Fiction Film (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Lost Race and Adult Fantasy Fiction: 69 Books (1978) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Futurevisions: The New Golden Age of the Science Fiction Film (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- The Work of Ross Rocklynne: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide (1989)
- Classics of Fantastic Literature; or, Les Épines Noires: Selected Review Essays (2005) with Robert Reginald
- Mau (1976)
- Ebenezer Wheezer (c.1972-1990) (1990)
- Letter (Startling Stories, July 1949): Sweet (?) Thirteen (1949)
- Letter (Magazine of Horror, Spring 1967) (1967)
- Excavations (Forgotten Fantasy, October 1970) (1970)
- Prognostications (Forgotten Fantasy, October 1970) (1970)
- Calibrations (Forgotten Fantasy, December 1970) (1970)
- Excavations (Forgotten Fantasy, December 1970) (1970)
- Prognostications (Forgotten Fantasy, December 1970) (1970)
- Articulations (Forgotten Fantasy, February 1971) (1971)
- Calibrations (Forgotten Fantasy, February 1971) (1971)
- Excavations (Forgotten Fantasy, February 1971) (1971)
- Prognostications (Forgotten Fantasy, February 1971) (1971)
- Review of the nongenre novel "The Untamed" by Max Brand (1971)
- Articulations (Forgotten Fantasy, April 1971) (1971)
- Calibrations (Forgotten Fantasy, April 1971) (1971)
- Excavations (Forgotten Fantasy, April 1971) (1971)
- Prognostications (Forgotten Fantasy, April 1971) (1971)
- Articulations (Forgotten Fantasy, June 1971) (1971)
- Calibrations (Forgotten Fantasy, June 1971) (1971)
- Excavations (Forgotten Fantasy, June 1971) (1971)
- Prognostications (Forgotten Fantasy, June 1971) (1971)
- Introduction (The Saga of Eric Brighteyes (1974)) (1974)
- Introduction to the Newcastle Edition (Eric Brighteyes) (1974)
- Introduction (Gerfalcon) (1976)
- Introduction to the Newcastle Edition (The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician) (1977)
- Introduction (Shy Leopardess) (1977)
- Foreword (Things to Come) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Monoliths and Monkeys (1960-1969) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Monsters and Menaces (1950-1959) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Moon Voyages and Metal Maidens (1895-1929) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Serials and Scientists (1930-1949) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Wars and Wizards (1970-1977) (1977) with Robert Reginald [only as by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Letter (Locus #207) (1977) [only as by Doug Menville]
- Introduction (Under the Sunset) (1978)
- Introduction (Allan's Wife) (1980)
- Dreams and Dimensions (1984-1985) (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Foreword (Futurevisions: The New Golden Age of the Science Fiction Film) (1985) with Robert Reginald
- Futures Past (1897-1976) (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Horrors and Holocausts (1982-1983) (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Starships and Superheroes (1977-1979) (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Telepaths and Time Travelers (1980-1981) (1985) with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald [only as by Mary A. Burgess and Douglas Menville and R. Reginald]
- Classics of Fantastic Literature (2005) with Robert Reginald
- Introduction: The Arnold Zone (2005) with Robert Reginald
- Acknowledgments (Under Egypt) (2007)
- The Glittering Plain (1973) only appeared as:
- The Haunted Woman (1975)
- Before Adam (1970) by Jack London
- Carmilla and The Haunted Baronet (1970) by Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Secret of Holm Peel and Other Strange Stories (1970) by Sax Rohmer
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1970) by Hunt Collins
- Under the Moons of Mars: A History and Anthology of 'The Scientific Romance' in the Munsey Magazines, 1912-1920 (1970) by Sam Moskowitz
- Vikram and the Vampire or Tales of Hindu Devilry (1970) by Sir Richard Burton
- Zothique (1970) by Clark Ashton Smith
- Before Adam (1971) by Jack London
- Beware the Beasts (1971) by Vic Ghidalia and Roger Elwood
- Stella Nova: The Contemporary Science Fiction Authors (1971) by Robert Reginald
- The Unspeakable People (1971) by Peter Haining
- A Case of Conscience (1971) by James Blish
- A Specter Is Haunting Texas (1971) by Fritz Leiber
- Beyond the Golden Stair (1971) by Hannes Bok
- Brain Wave (1971) by Poul Anderson
- Bug Jack Barron (1971) by Norman Spinrad
- I Am Legend (1971) by Richard Matheson
- Nightwings (1971) by Robert Silverberg
- Of Men and Monsters (1971) by William Tenn
- Re-Birth (1971) by John Wyndham
- The Hand of Kane (1971) by Robert E. Howard
- The Left Hand of Darkness (1971) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Midwich Cuckoos (1971) by John Wyndham
- The Mighty Swordsmen (1971) by Hans Stefan Santesson
- The October Country (1971) by Ray Bradbury
- The Space Merchants (1971) by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth
- The Stainless Steel Rat (1971) by Harry Harrison
- The Treasure of Atlantis (1971) by J. Allan Dunn
- The Wanderer (1971) by Fritz Leiber
- The Whole Man (1971) by John Brunner
- "333": A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel (1975) by Donald M. Grant and James J. Donahue and Joseph H. Crawford, Jr. (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Checklist of Science-Fiction Anthologies (1975) by W. R. Cole (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Historical and Critical Survey of the Science Fiction Film (1975) by Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Honeymoon in Space (1975) by George Griffith (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Modern Daedalus (1975) by Tom Greer (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Queen of Atlantis (1975) by Frank Aubrey (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (1975) by James De Mille (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Trip to Mars (1975) by Fenton Ash (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Adrift in the Unknown; or, Queen Adventures in a Queer Realm (1975) by William Wallace Cook (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- After London; or, Wild England (1975) by Richard Jefferies (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Ancestral Voices: An Anthology of Early Science Fiction (1975) by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Banzai! (1975) by Parabellum (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Before the Dawn (1975) by John Taine (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Contemporary Science Fiction Authors, First Edition (1975) by R. Reginald (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Deluge: A Romance, and Dawn (1975) by S. Fowler Wright (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Drowsy (1975) by John Ames Mitchell (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Empire of the World (1975) by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Hartmann the Anarchist; or, The Doom of the Great City (1975) by E. Douglas Fawcett (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- His Wisdom, the Defender: A Story (1975) by Simon Newcomb (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- In the Future: A Sketch in Ten Chapters (1975) by Anonymous (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Index to the Weird Fiction Magazines (1975) by T. G. L. Cockcroft (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Into Other Worlds (1975) by Roger Lancelyn Green (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
Krakatit (1975)
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek(co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
Karel Chapek - Lieut. Gullivar Jones: His Vacation (1975) by Edwin Lester Arnold (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Linguistics and Languages in Science Fiction-Fantasy (1975) by Myra Edwards Barnes (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Lord of the World (1975) by Robert Hugh Benson (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- New Maps of Hell (1975) by Kingsley Amis (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Omega: The Last Days of the World (1975) by Camille Flammarion (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- SF Horizons (1975) by Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery (1975) by Captain Adam Seaborn (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The British Barbarians: A Hill-Top Novel (1975) by Grant Allen (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Checklist of Fantastic Literature in Paperbound Books (1975) by Bradford M. Day (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Conquest of the Moon: A Story of the Bayouda (1975) by André Laurie (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Earth-Tube (1975) by Gawain Edwards (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Fall of a Nation: A Sequel to The Birth of a Nation (1975) by Thomas Dixon (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Frozen Pirate (1975) by W. Clark Russell (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Gay Rebellion (1975) by Robert W. Chambers (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Goddess of Atvatabar (1975) by William R. Bradshaw (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Golden Blight (1975) by George Allan England (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Great War of 189-: A Forecast (1975) by F. Scudamore and D. Christie Murray and Charles Lowe and Archibald Forbes and Captain F. N. Maude and Colonel J. F. Maurice, R. A. and Rear-Admiral P. Colomb (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Great White Queen: A Tale of Treasure and Treason (1975) by William Le Queux (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Great White Way (1975) by Albert Bigelow Paine (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Hampdenshire Wonder (1975) by J. D. Beresford (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Imaginary Voyage in Prose Fiction (1975) by Philip Babcock Gove (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The King's Men: A Tale of To-Morrow (1975) by John T. Wheelwright and J. S. of Dale and John Boyle O'Reilly and Robert Grant (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Life and Astonishing Adventures of John Daniel (1975) by Ralph Morris (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Lord of the Sea (1975) by M. P. Shiel (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Man Who Mastered Time (1975) by Ray Cummings (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Man Who Rocked the Earth (1975) by Arthur Train and Robert Williams Wood (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Man with the Broken Ear (1975) by Edmond About (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Mystery (1975) by Stewart Edward White and Samuel Hopkins Adams (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Polyphemes: A Story of Strange Adventures Among Strange Beings (1975) by Francis Hernamann-Johnson (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Scarlet Plague (1975) by Jack London (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Secret of the Earth (1975) by Charles Willing Beale (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Story of Ab: A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man (1975) by Stanley Waterloo (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Supplemental Checklist of Fantastic Literature (1975) by Bradford M. Day (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Violet Flame: A Story of Armageddon and After (1975) by Fred T. Jane (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The War of the Wenuses (1975) by C. L. Graves and E. V. Lucas (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- To Mars Via the Moon: An Astronomical Story (1975) by Mark Wicks (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
Useless Hands (Les condamnés à mort) (1975)
Claude Farrère?Claude Farrere(co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Visions of Tomorrow (1975) by David Samuelson (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- When the World Shook (1975) by H. Rider Haggard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Purple Sea: More Splashes of Chinese Color (1976) by Frank Owen (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Deal with the Devil (1976) by Eden Phillpotts (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Journey from This World to the Next (1976) by Henry Fielding (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Stable for Nightmares; or, Weird Tales (1976) by uncredited (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Allan and the Ice Gods: A Tale of Beginnings (1976) by H. Rider Haggard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Alraune (1976) by Hanns Heinz Ewers (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Ancient Hauntings (1976) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Argal; or, The Silver Devil (1976) by George Hadley (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life (1976) by W. Harrison Ainsworth (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Chrysal; or, The Adventures of a Guinea (1976) by An Adept (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Elsie Venner: A Romance of Destiny (1976) by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Fantastics and Other Fancies (1976) by Lafcadio Hearn (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Fantazius Mallare: A Mysterious Oath (1976) by Ben Hecht (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories (1976) by Vernon Lee (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Ghost Stories (1976) by Michael Arlen (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Ghost Stories (1976) by H. Russell Wakefield (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Grey Face (1976) by Sax Rohmer (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Heliondé; or, Adventures in the Sun (1976) by Sydney Whiting (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Maker of Shadows (1976) by Jack Mann (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Midnight House and Other Tales (1976) by William Fryer Harvey (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Mirrikh; or, A Woman from Mars: A Tale of Occult Adventure (1976) by Francis Worcester Doughty (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Morwyn; or, The Vengeance of God (1976) by John Cowper Powys (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Phantasmagoria (1976) by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Pharos, the Egyptian (1976) by Guy Boothby (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- R.I.P.: Five Stories of the Supernatural (1976) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Ringstones and Other Curious Tales (1976) by Sarban (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Robinson Crusoe's Return (1976) by Barry Pain (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Someone in the Room (1976) by Ex-Private X (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
Spirite: A Fantasy (1976)
Théophile Gautier?Theophile Gautier(co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Spook Stories (1976) by E. F. Benson (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Strange Stories (1976) by Algernon Blackwood (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Suomiria: A Fantasy (1976) by Earl of Southesk (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Beetle: A Mystery (1976) by Richard Marsh (co-reviewed with Mary Wickizer Burgess and Robert Reginald)
- The Boyhood Days of Guy Fawkes; or, The Conspirators of Old London (1976) by Anonymous (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Brother of the Shadow: A Mystery of To-Day (1976) by Mrs. Campbell Praed (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Centaur (1976) by Algernon Blackwood (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
The Centenarian; or, The Two Beringhelds (1976)
Honoré de Balzac?Honore de Balzac(co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Children of the Pool and Other Stories (1976) by Arthur Machen (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Collected Tales of A. E. Coppard (1976) by A. E. Coppard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Dead Man's Message: An Occult Romance (1976) by Florence Marryat (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Death Ship: A Strange Story (1976) by W. Clark Russell (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Devil and the Doctor (1976) by David H. Keller (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Devil on Two Sticks (Le Diable boiteux) (1976) by Alain René Le Sage (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Five Jars (1976) by M. R. James (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Fox Woman and the Blue Pagoda; The Black Wheel (1976) by Hannes Bok and A. Merritt (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Gentleman in Black (1976) by James Dalton (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Ghost: A Legend (1976) by Clara Sicard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The House of the Vampire (1976) by George Sylvester Viereck (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Kingdom of Evil (1976) by Ben Hecht (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Man-Wolf and Other Tales (1976) by Erckmann-Chatrian (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Mummy and Miss Nitocris: A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension (1976) by George Griffith (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Mystery of Evelin Delorme: A Hypnotic Story (1976) by Albert Bigelow Paine (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Necromancer: A Romance (1976) by George W. M. Reynolds (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Ninth Vibration and Other Stories (1976) by L. Adams Beck (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Return (1976) by Walter de la Mare (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Sorcery Club (1976) by Elliott O'Donnell (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Spectre Bridegroom and Other Horrors (1976) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Strange Papers of Dr Blayre (1976) by Christopher Blayre (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Strange Visitation of Josiah McNason: A Christmas Ghost Story (1976) by Marie Corelli (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Street of Queer Houses and Other Tales (1976) by Vernon Knowles (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Thing from the Lake (1976) by Eleanor M. Ingram (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Were-Wolf (1976) by Clemence Housman (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Uncanny Tales (1976) by Mrs. Molesworth (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Widdershins (1976) by Oliver Onions (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- With the Immortals (1976) by F. Marion Crawford (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A King There Was— (1978) by E. Charles Vivian (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- A Spell for Old Bones (1978) by Eric Linklater (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Adventures in Sakaeland, Comprising Harilek: A Romance, and Wrexham's Romance (1978) by Ganpat (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Aia: Fields of Sleep, and People of the Darkness (1978) by E. Charles Vivian (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Among the Gnomes (1978) by Franz Hartmann (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Angel Island (1978) by Inez Haynes Gillmore (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Asleep in the Afternoon (1978) by E. C. Large (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Beyond the Great South Wall: The Secret of the Antarctic (1978) by Frank Savile (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Bibliography of Adventure (1978) by Bradford M. Day (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Book of the Three Dragons (1978) by Kenneth Morris (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Cast Away at the Pole (1978) by William Wallace Cook (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
Daughter of the Sun: A Tale of Adventure (1978)
Quién Sabe?Quien Sabe(co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Devil's Tor (1978) by David Lindsay (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Dreamers of Dreams: An Anthology of Fantasy (1978) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Gobi or Shamo: A Story of Three Songs (1978) by G. G. A. Murray (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Hearts of Three (1978) by Jack London (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Hubert's Arthur (1978) by Frederick William Rolfe and C. H. C. Pirie-Gordon (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Humour & Fantasy: Vice Versa, The Tinted Venus, A Fallen Idol, The Talking Horse, Salted Almonds, The Brass Bottle (1978) by F. Anstey (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- I Am Thinking of My Darling: An Adventure Story (1978) by Vincent McHugh (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Istar of Babylon: A Phantasy (1978) by Margaret Horton Potter (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree (1978) by Ernest Bramah (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- King of the Dead: A Weird Romance (1978) by Frank Aubrey (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- King Solomon's Children: Some Parodies of H. Rider Haggard (1978) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Lepidus the Centurion: A Roman of To-Day (1978) by Edwin Lester Arnold (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Mélusine; or, Devil Take Her! (1978) by Charlotte Haldane (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Miss Carter and the Ifrit (1978) by Susan Alice Kerby (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Monk's Magic (1978) by Alexander de Comeau (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Mukara (1978) by Muriel Bruce (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Over the Mountain (1978) by Ruthven Todd (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Prince Hagen: A Phantasy (1978) by Upton Sinclair (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Revi-Lona: A Romance of Love in a Marvelous Land (1978) by Frank Cowan (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Sapphires: Here and Otherwise, and Silver Nutmegs (1978) by Vernon Knowles (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Shades of Hades: Ladies in Hades: A Story of Hell's Smart Set, and Gentlemen in Hades: The Story of a Damned Débutante (1978) by Frederic Arnold Kummer (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Styrbiorn the Strong (1978) by E. R. Eddison (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Bladed Barrier (1978) by Joseph Bushnell Ames (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Bride of the Sun (1978) by Gaston Leroux (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Daughter of the Dawn: A Realistic Story of Maori Magic (1978) by William Reginald Hodder (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Devil, Poor Devil! (1978) by Murray Constantine (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Devil-Tree of El Dorado (1978) by Frank Aubrey (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Eye of Istar: A Romance of the Land of No Return (1978) by William Le Queux (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Flower of Fate (1978) by J. Allan Dunn (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Fox Woman & Other Stories (1978) by A. Merritt (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Fruit Stoners (1978) by Algernon Blackwood (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Heads of Cerberus (1978) by Francis Stevens (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Jingo (1978) by George Randolph Chester (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The King of Kor; or, She's Promise Kept: A Continuation of the Great Story of "She" of H. Rider Haggard (1978) by Sidney J. Marshall (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Land of the Living Dead (1978) by Neal Fyne (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Last Lemurian: A Westralian Romance (1978) by G. Firth Scott (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Last Man; or, Omegarus and Syderia: A Romance in Futurity (1978) by Jean Baptiste Francois Xavier Cousin de Grainville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Light in the Sky (1978) by Herbert Clock and Eric Boetzel (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Mahatma and the Hare: A Dream Story (1978) by H. Rider Haggard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Power of Ula (1978) by Miles Sheldon-Williams (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Prince of Gravas: A Story of the Past (1978) by Alfred C. Fleckenstein (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Princess Thora (1978) by Harris Burland (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Return of William Shakespeare (1978) by Hugh Kingsmill (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Romance of Golden Star (1978) by George Griffith (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Slayer of Souls (1978) by Robert W. Chambers (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Treasure Vault of Atlantis (1978) by Olof W. Anderson (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Vampires of the Andes (1978) by Henry Carew (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Wonderful Visit (1978) by H. G. Wells (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Xipéhuz; and, The Death of the Earth (Les Xipéhuz; et, La Mort de la terre) (1978) by J.-H. Rosny aîné (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- They: Three Parodies of H. Rider Haggard's She (1978) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Thyra: A Romance of the Polar Pit (1978) by Robert Ames Bennet (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- When the Birds Fly South (1978) by Stanton A. Coblentz (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- White Python: Adventure and Mystery in Tibet (1978) by Mark Channing (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Wisdom's Daughter: The Life and Love Story of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (1978) by H. Rider Haggard (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- Worlds of Never: Three Fantastic Novels (1978) by R. Reginald and Douglas Menville (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- ZR Wins (1978) by Fitzhugh Green (co-reviewed with Robert Reginald)
- The Vengeance of She (1979) by Peter Tremayne