- Author: M. K. Joseph Author Record # 113057
- Legal Name: Joseph, Michael Kennedy
- Birthplace: Chingford, Essex, England, UK
- Birthdate: 9 July 1914
- Deathdate: 4 October 1981
- Language: English
- Webpages: bookcouncil.org.nz, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
M.K.ジョーゼフ?M. K. Jōzefu
- Author Tags: alternate history (1)
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The Hole in the Zero (1967)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le trou dans le zéro?Le trou dans le zero[French] (1969)
- Translation: De Tijd van Nergens [Dutch] (1974)
Translation: 虚無の孔?Kyomu no Ana[Japanese] (1979) [as byM.K.ジョーゼフ?M. K. Jōzefu]
- The Time of Achamoth (1977)
- Tomorrow the World (2021)